(no subject)

May 23, 2005 18:49

*. . . W O U L D Y O U R A T H E R . . .*
1) pierce your nose or tongue?niether
2) be serious or be funny? both
3) drink whole or skim milk? whole

* . . . A R E Y O U . . .*
4) simple or complicated? idk both
* . . . D O Y O U P R E F E R . . . *
5) flowers or angels? flowers
6) grey or gray? gray
7) color or black-and-white photos? color
8) lust or love? both
9) sunrise or sunset? sunrise
10) M&Ms or Skittles? skittles
11) rap or rock? rock
12) staying up late or waking up early? staying up late
13) TV or radio? TV
15) eating apples or oranges? oranges

* . . . A N S W E R T R U T H F U L L Y . . . *
16) do you have a crush? not right now
17) do they know it? -

* . . . D O Y O U P R E F E R . . . *
18) being hot or cold? hot
19) tall members of the opposite sex? no
20) sun or moon? sun
21) emeralds or rubies? rubies
22) left or right? right
23) having 10 acquaintances or 1 best friend? 1 best friend
24) sun or rain? sun but sometimes rain
25) vanilla ice cream or chocolate ice cream? mint chocolate chip!
26) boys or girls? GIRLS! lol
27) green beans or carrots? carrots
28) low fat or fat free? low fat

* . . . M I S C E L L A N E O U S . . . *
29) What is your biggest fear in the world? death
30) Kids or no kids? kids
31) Cat or dog? dogs
32) Half empty or half full? half full
33) Mustard or ketchup? ketchup
34) Hard cover books or soft cover books? hard cover
36) Sandals or sneakers? sneakers
37) Wonder or amazement? amazment
38) Red car or white car? red
39) Happy and poor or sad and rich? happy and poor
40) Singing or dancing? dancing
41) Hugging or kissing? both
42) Corduroy or plain? plain
43) Happy or sad? happy
45) Blondes, brunettes? it doesnt matter
* . . . A B O U T Y O U . . . *
What time is it? 6:54
Full name? Ace Pidoriano
Names and ages of siblings? austin 11? charly 9 callie 2
Number of candles that appeared on your last birthday cake? 1 but it said 13
Height? 5'6?
Eye color? brown
Hair color? brown
Piercing(s)? none

* . . . W H A T D O Y O U W A N T . . . *
Where do you want to live? New York or California
How many kids do you want? 3
What kind of job do you want?idk yet
Do you want to get married? yes

* . . . W H I C H I S B E T T E R . . . *
2 doors or 4 (on a car) 4 door
jeep, van, or suv? suv
Coffee or ice cream? ice cream
Shampoo or conditioner? shampoo

* . . . F A V O R I T E S . . . *
Salad dressing? ranch
Color of socks? white

Toothpaste? crest
Food? lasagna chicken cutlet or pizza
Toothbrush? ?
Alcoholic drink?
Non-alcoholic drink? shirley temple

* . . . R A N D O M . . . *
1 DAY AGO: buckys house
1 WEEK AGO: baseball game i think
1 YEAR AGO: i cant remember that far
I GET HURT: not that much but i just did
I LOVE: things
I HATE: having to work or think too much
I FEAR: choosing the wrong thing or that i will regret something that i did
I HOPE: that my ankle gets better fast so i can play baseball again
I FEEL: m'kay

I LISTEN: when iwant to
I HIDE: in hide and go seek or manhunt :)
I DRIVE: i cant
I MISS: idk

* . . . C U R R E N T . . . *
Current Clothes: t-shirt and pants
Current Music: none
Current Taste: nothing
Current Hair: how it always is
Current Annoyance: homework
Current Smell: great
Current thing I should be Doing: homework
Current Desktop Picture: some blue thing
Current Favorite Show: sienfeld
Current Book: great expectations >:0
Current Movie In DVD: Napoleon Dynamite
Current Refreshment: none
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