Ladies and gents,

Feb 19, 2011 00:29

I have some bizarre news.
There is a chance that I won't be able to graduate because I attended too little P.E. classes.. Yep, P.E. I've been to 9 outta 12 classes. My school has decided to be strict on me and not give me another chance. Next week is holiday so I'll have to wait for their final decision till school starts again.

I know I should've taken my responsibility (I had a chance to 'resit' P.E. classes, but failed), but COME ON. It would be absolutely fucking ridiculous and I will fucking SUE someone if this happens. I am nervous sick and keep checking my mail to see if someone from the graduate exam committee has emailed me.

God this is gonna be one fucked up holiday, they better email me tomorrow or something (:

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