ahhh so stressed right now. so i guess i'll write and let it be good therapy.
i hate how i write now. it's horrible, doesn't flow, and i just don't want to think about composing things, not even sciency stuff which sucks because that's probably what i'll be doing for the rest of my life. i thought last quarter was bad taking comp lit (ahhh, which I got an A- in. oh so sad) and writing for that class about abstract things, but now i'm taking a seminar about the serengeti, which requires in class writing assignments. this shouldn't be too bad. it's just two units, and if i get too stressed out, i'll make it pass/no pass.
then there's bio. we need to write mini essays to readings, which feels like they'll be worth a good piece of our grade. and i know it's short -- only 300 words, but i don't want to lose easy points this way, especially with people telling me how hard the midterms are. i have a presentation this thursday and i'm a bit worried about that too, but i think most of my stress comes from having to write. which is pretty lame.
chemistry doesn't seem too bad right now. supposibly it's less math-oriented than chem2B was, which i liked, but i think this new online homework system (worth FORTY DOLLARS. it better be good) would help me, as i don't read the book.
i'm already stressed about my internship too. i have to write a research paper detailing known facts about soil quality affecting wine quality, which shouldn't be too bad, but i just can't bring myself to focus right now, which is bad since it's due thursday and i really want to do a good job on it.
calc should be ok. we're treading into new territory, so i'll actually have to pay attention, and it's so lame that 30% of our grade is determined by homework and quizzes. gahh, this is college, and i don't need anymore work than i already have. D:
art is something i'm hoping i'll just get a B+ in and won't take up too much of my time. it's nice having a break between my science class and just paint, but i don't like having to worry about my grades so much, and i shouldn't -- only my science GPA counts apparently, so heh, ok not too stressed anymore. i hope.
and huh, i think that's it. i'm taking 23.5 units this quarter, and unlike last quarter i don't have easy classes like storytelling, so we will see how i hold up. by the end of this year, i'll have junior standing. that's exciting. =]
mm and naps; i've been taking a lot of them lately as i have to wake up at 7 each day now as opposed to my winter quarter schedule where i get a break on tuesdays and thursdays. plus i'm still a bit sick so i get headaches a lot. hopefully by the end of next week everything will be better and i'll see that i'm just unnecessarily stressing.