Mar 31, 2004 02:37
First, Ebay. Won Double Dragon Advance for Gameboy Advance AND Pokemon Crystal and Pokemon Trading Card Game for Game Boy Colour last week. I got Megaman Battle Network 3 White and it's good. Today i got Double Dragon Advance and it's the best Double Dragon game ever. I'm amazed by it. Oh, and if anybody should come across this, don't insult me over me buying Pokemon games please, their fun and i couldn't give a shit what you think anyway so keep any idiotic comments to yourself. Anyway...i'm bidding on more items and awaitng the two Pokemon games to come this week maybe...don't know but i hope he doesn't take his fucking time in posting it. Now for the Rant.
I've been on the net for a long time and thought it was always quite active and brimming with activity. Lately, i've noticed people dropping off and the usual people not come on at all. Everywhere i go, MSN is empty, Forums are dead, Multiplayer Video Games online arn't as full as before etc etc. I know there may be MANY answers here that i need to delving into. But...i think it's just a lack of interest to the Net. I've lost interest many times and left for extended periods (up to 1 year twice)'s sad to know hardly no one anymore. It's hard to fit in easy too, because most people just blow you off. It's sad to see the somewhat good and decent internet users go and the mindless dickheads continue to stay, is this justice!? I only go online for sites, see if anybody bothered to show up on MSN and AIM. Ebay etc. Everything is dead...well if you read this and decide to flame me, please fuck off and do it elsewhere. Another thing...insults on the net is so childish, i feel those type of people want attention and need a real ego boost as they have no lives or any self esteem...HA! Probably the reason we even go online isn't it? We don't want to live in the real world, but socialize where we're anonymous and somewhat free...but we're not. And people disappear in both places, and they are sometimes what we call 'friends' the decent, the good, the liked. This rant is...pointless but i needed to write something. I'm so fucking bored of what i've stated in this rant. So...i guess this one is over till i'm bored again...5 Minutes anyone?
Alright, This is the The Opinionated Moron signing off..losers.