I HATE this class!

Mar 03, 2005 09:01

I think my state of mind is best summarized by Archana's last statement to me. "Oh my goodness, she's so upset I think she's going to hit a tree!"

This is absolutely ridiculous... I can't even think rightn now. Freaking Physiology. Two strikes and I'm out shit.

So all our classes (this term and last) have had online quizes, and they are always due by a certain day, and the day listed by the professor ends at midnight. Well apparently our last quiz, the Prof felt like being like Blockbuster and ended the quiz at noon, but all of us assumed it was till midnight, so a good portion of us didnt get to take the quiz. Strike one.

Yesterday we had a lab. I was feeling participatory and volunteered to be a presenter. So basically I spent the entire time in lab with the Professor and then made a presntation at the end of lab. Drawback... I went down to the front to work with him as soon as lab started and left 10 minutes late and ran out...forgetting to sign in... no problem I think he'll have to remember me I worked with him for 100 minutes... result.. apparently it doesnt matter he "hopes I got something out of the lab" but since I didnt sign in I dont get any points for any of the labs its an all or nothing thing... strike two.

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