May 21, 2004 13:07
yea, so i havent written in this thing for awhile nothing realli new.. other my fucken strept throat eh... wasnt allowed to go to school today when i actually wanted to go cuz now im bored with nothing to do... nd i feel like shit.. im drinking some chi tea which makes me feel at least a lil happier... i went to the mall yesterday even though i was sick.. my mom decided it might cheer me up.. not realli but hey she tryed.. i got my sisters nd step dad sick2 hehe last night the entire god dam house was coughing.. till like 7 his morning... didnt get much sleep... yea so next week is that youth appretiation thing which im kinda excited for just cuz i get to c Tyler yay! i saw him last like 2 weekends ago.. yea we never get to hang out mayb ill c him this weekend if im lucky that is if i feel ne better which dosent seem to be happening ne time soon but hey i can always try.. i realli want to get to kno him better.. cuz hes a realli cool guy nd stuff but i dont know him well enough to actually feel anything for him .. or at least ne thing strong .. i think hes realli cute nd realli cool to talk to .. her artistic.. has good taste in music.. nd a great sense of humor but u never kno he might not b who i think he is.. well i guess well find out.. well heres this thingy im gonna fill out cuz im bored with nothing else to do..other than watch maury hehe
1) Grab the book nearest to you, turn to page 18, find line 4. What does it say? "she had shiny black hair that fell from white center part, a perfect contrast to her pale skin and thick-lashed blue eyes."
2) Stretch your left arm out as far as you can. What do you touch first? a guitar pick
3) What is the last thing you watched on TV? Maury
4) WITHOUT LOOKING, guess what the time is. 1:15
5) Now look at the clock, what is the actual time? 1:22
6) With the exception of the computer, what can you hear? my lilttle sister singing to herself
7) When did you last step outside? What were you doing? yesterday at 9 ish cheking the mailbox
8) Before you came to this website, what did you look at? my limewire
9) What are you wearing? red silk pj boxers and a white guiney tee
10) Did you dream last night? yea prob.
11) When did you last laugh? last night watching threes company
12) What is on the walls of the room you are in? song lyrics, a dc poster, an icubus poster, a blue star lamp, a huge b-day sighne in sheet, nd magazine cuts outs
last cigarette: havent had one
last kiss: 2 weekends ago
last good cry: about a week ago
last library book checked out: uh..... i dont remember
last movie seen: How to deal
last book read: Sleep tight by ann frasier
last cuss word uttered: Shit
last beverage drank: (curently sipping on) chi tea
last food consumed: apple jacks
last phone call: my mom
last tv show watched: maury
last shoes worn: black flip flops
last cd played: guilt show
last item bought: guiney tees at gap
last downloaded song: holy roman
last annoyance: my strept throat
last disappointment: gettin sick
last soda drank: uh...i think cherry coke
last thing handwritten: lyrics for music tech song
last word spoken:tim eout..(yelling at me sisters)
last sleep: 2 nights ago
last IM: kk bb (family friend)
last weird encounter: the guyw ho use to do my lawn who is scary as fuck
last ice cream eaten: cookie dough sandwich with marisa
last amused: i always amuse myself constantly
last time wanting to die: last night when i couldnt sleep
last time in love: 7th grade..(or at least last time i thoght i was in love)
last time hugged: about an hour ago
last time scolded: my mom 2 days ago
last lipstick used: coconut butter
last shirt worn:a guiney tee
last time dancing: im always dancing
last poster looked at:dashboard confessional
last webpage visited: em.. i think it was
1 MINUTE AGO: opening up a toy for my sisters
1 HOUR AGO:watching tv
1 DAY AGO: at the mall
1 WEEK AGO: school
1 YEAR AGO: who knows
current mood: sick
current music: dispatch "the general"
current taste: chi tea
current hair: up in a messy bun
current smell: cocoa butter
current thing I should be doing:resting
current desktop picture: armor for sleep wing icon thingy
current refreshment: chi tea would u like to ask me again?
current worry: if ill ever get better and what time my mom is gonna b hom ecuz im feelin realli bad nd i have to babysit