Title: Zeus Apple, third challenge: the beach
skiing_pelicanRating: NC 17
Genre: Humor, crack, romance
Pairing: Dean/Cas, implied Sam/Gabriel or friendship if you're not into Sabriel
Spoilers: character spoilers for all mentioned; set somewhere in late season 5 but spoiler free
Warnings: crack, language, heavy abuse and butchering of mythology and pop culture
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This is kinda my little project I write on when I need something HAPPY inbetween my other works *g* So yeah, it might take me, but there will be more!
What is happening to the Dean we know and love? You know, just this little thing everyone os talking about ♥♥♥♥♥
@ps: First, I'm a tease ;D
second... he's still a homophobic idiot who hasn't it all figured out just yet and is still afraid...
and third... hey, that's Cas, not a random pickup! Dean's already so completely whipped... *g* I mean, hugging the guy in front of Sam? Hehe.
and fourth... In front of Sam??? The hugest cockblock ever? ;D
(but honestly, this is my first Dean/Cas story that I ever started. I might write the earlier chapters differently if I were to write them now, but now I have to stay true to the story. And since Dean already decided in dirty dancing that he needs to make the first time special for Cas, he's dead set on that now. Yeah. So Dean in this story is kinda not so much of an idiot like normal, I admit that. But he's still an idiot, you'll see XD)
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