1. Today's the last day to leave prompts on
femme_fic. It's a multifandom fest focusing on women, and you don't have to be planning to write in order to leave prompts. Prompts are accepted on both
Dreamwidth and
bringthehappy is now closed for prompts and
open for fic. There are lots of prompts to choose from, including prompts from both Stargate and Battlestar Galactica. Okay, yes, happy is maybe not the first word you think of when it comes to BSG, but it doesn't have to be unadulterated happiness--you can make it bittersweet or angsty, as long as readers are smiling at the end.
3. The
newest set of prompts from
sg1_five_things has been unscreened, and as I end my current round as host, I'm going to put out a plea for more prompts. We really need prompts focusing on individual characters from all three shows, but general and group prompts are good too. The most important thing is that the prompts be ones you want to read and write. New prompts can be left
here, one per comment.
This entry was originally posted at
http://skieswideopen.dreamwidth.org/40882.html, where it has
comments. Comments are equally welcome on either entry.