Title: With Bloodied Swords
skieswideopenFandom: SG-1/SGA
Pairing: Cam/John
Rating: PG-13
Disclaimer: They're not mine.
Summary: Fighting the good fight after the Ori invade Earth.
Notes: This is a sequel to
Under One Moon. The fic title is from a lovely poem called "Guinevere at Almesbury" by Guy Gavriel Kay, from the collection Beyond This Dark House
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Comments 12
This was... ouchy in all the right places, with a well-planned assassination and the fact that of course, of course the Ori would pick up all of Earth's worst ideas. Except of things like gas chambers and work camps, because these are nowhere near flamboyant enough - the bastards would prefer ritual burning with live feed to something only horror stories could be whispered at all ( ... )
Thanks for reading. :)
WWII would probably be best, because it is probably the best-documented, and there is a lot material available from both civilians' and soldiers' POVs alike.
On the topic of basically decent people in such situations - have you read Vonnegut's Mother Night? That's one hell of an insight, I think. And one hell of a moral.
I've read a little about the Dutch resistance during WWII, and a little about the French. We also covered occupied Poland in a course I took on occupied Europe in undergrad. (My professor expressed great admiration for the way the Polish people managed to maintain their culture under Nazi oppression.) But I think I may take your advice and do some more serious reading since I plan to write more in this 'verse.
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I was just re-reading this and wanted to comment. I love this image of their fingers twined together. It's intimate and tender and desperate, all at the same time. *hearts the boys*
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