Dear Rarewomen Author

Feb 26, 2013 00:00

Dear Rarewomen Author:

Thank you so much for writing for me! I love all of these characters, and I'm sure I'll love anything you do. But if you'd like a little more information to work with, please read on.

For general preferences, I like action, plot, introspection, character studies, and slice of life stories. I also like first times of all kinds, competence, characters being awesome, friendship, understated romance, stories that touch on the characters' pasts, stories that pick up on dropped threads from the show, and the (properly earned) revelation of secrets. I enjoy mild to moderate angst with happy or bittersweet endings, and I also like just outright happy fic. I'm always good with gen fic and I'm always good with canon pairings. Other pairings that I enjoy are mentioned below.

For this challenge in particular, I'd love a story that focuses on what the main character thinks about things (e.g., canon events as they affect her), or that shows her doing things and making decisions and generally taking charge of her own destiny.

I also enjoy crossovers, and in the unlikely event that you offered two or more of the fandoms I requested and feel inspired in that direction, I will happily take crossovers between any of them if you think you can make it work. (If you go that way, ideally I'd love to see characters from both sides shine. But of course, it depends on the story.)

I have squicks but no triggers, I don't mind character death if that's where the story goes, and I'm easy as far as rating goes, although I'm really not looking for a PWP piece. Sex is fine, but I'd prefer if there were something else to the story as well. I'm also not really into most kink.

(If you want more detail, there's a bunch of stuff here about things I tend to like and avoid in fic. Please don't feel obliged to read it.)

Being Human (US/Canada)
Requested Characters: Sally Malik, Nora Sergeant, Emily Levinson

I love the way the characters on Being Human take care of each other, and I love the emphasis on them trying to be better people, even if they sometimes fail.

Sally Malik: Sally, of course, is facing a lot of different challenges this season, and I'd love to see her rise to meet them. Teaming up with the others (maybe Bridget?) to find a way to take down Donna would be great. Or looking at what her life might look like after dealing with Donna could also be interesting. She can see ghosts now; would she feel a responsibility to do something about that? Or something more about her friendship with Bridget would also be great.

Nora Sergeant: Nora and Josh were in a really good place at the start of the season, and I'd love to see either how they got there, or see them return to it. Something from the year when it was just the two of them (and Nora somehow became as invested as Josh in finding Aidan and Sally) could be interesting. So could Nora meeting Josh's family (either the lunch Josh mentioned, or some other time). Or, as I said in my sign-up, I'd also love something about Nora's life outside of the house. Her friendship with Kat or some other friend, or her life at work or more about her family, especially her mother. I'd also like to see Nora and Aidan reconcile somehow. Perhaps being forced to work together to help someone else, or perhaps Nora learning what really happened some other way, and deciding to forgive.

Emily Levinson: I love Emily's independence and her love for her brother and dedication to her family. I'd love a look at her relationship with Sally, or at what her life was like during the two years they were out of touch with Josh, or have her somehow learn the truth about one or more of them and see what her reaction is. Or just have her interacting with any of the roommates while they try to keep their secrets.

I only requested three characters, but if you have a brilliant idea for one of the other nominated character, please go ahead and write it. Or if you have a great idea for Bridget or Kat, I'd love to read about them too. (I'm totally not expecting that as neither was nominated, but I'm putting it out there just in case.) Anything about Bridget dealing with things after finding out the truth about Sally and Danny would be interesting. And I'm kind of liking Kat/Aidan, and wouldn't mind seeing more of that. Their whole history!geek thing is adorable, and Kat not running when Liam showed up makes me think wonder if she'd stick around for other revelations too.

Requested Characters: Any (Natalie Braddock, Donna Sabine, Julianna "Jules" Callaghan, Marina Levin, Winnie Camden)

Natalie Braddock: Poor Natalie did not get a good last episode on the show. I'd kind of love to see her moving on from that, maybe reconciling with Sam a little more, or maybe just finally finding her feet and building a new life. Alternately, I'd love to see a little of Natalie and Jules bonding. Or something about her relationship with Sam. I also have a soft spot for Natalie/Spike, if you want to give them a chance. Maybe go a bit AU from "Blue on Blue" and have them start seeing each other?

Donna Sabine: I love Donna's competence on the job and her friendship with Ed. I'd love to read something about how she reconciled with the harder aspects of the job, or why she returned to the SRU after taking early retirement, or anything filling in any of the background we didn't get about her.

Jules Callaghan: For Jules, something about her relationship with her brothers, or why she decided to transfer from the Mounties to the Toronto Police Service, or what it was like being the first and only woman in the SRU would be great. Jules/Sam is also great, if you want to write about them. Maybe fill in some of the gaps that the show left about when they decided to get married or when they told the team.

Marina Levin: I'd love something about Marina's relationship with Greg. What's her take on it? Does she worry? How did she feel when Dean moved in? How did she cope with the aftermath of the finale?

Winnie Camden: I like Winnie/Spike, so if you want to show how they end up together, that would be great. Or if you want to explore why she said no, that would be great too. Apart from that, I'd love something about why Winnie joined the TPS, or her friendship with anyone on Team One.

Forever Knight
Requested Characters: Janette Ducharme, Lisa Cooper, Tracy Vetter

Janette Ducharme: Janette fascinates me because she's a vampire who claims to enjoy being a vampire, but she clearly has a soft spot for some mortals (especially women), which suggests she's perhaps not as removed from the mortal world as she might like. I'd love to see further exploration of that, or of a mortal she's tried to help. I'd also enjoy a story about the ways she intrudes on Nick's mortal life (whether for fun or out of necessity), or her life as a businesswoman, or how she runs the local vampire community. Stories set in a previous era are welcome, and so are stories set in the future. I'm happy to go AU from "Last Knight." Gen and Nick/Janette are both welcome.

Lisa Cooper: For Lisa, I'd like to see what becomes of her when she grows up. What does she do? Is she affected by her encounter with Nick? What might happen if she were to encounter Nick (or another vampire) again?

Tracy Vetter: I love Tracy's earnestness and how hard she tries to do the right thing. I'd love to see her decision to become a cop explored, and what that was like for her given her family background. Or what life is like for her as Nick's partner, knowing about vampires but not knowing about him. Or how she goes about learning about the vampire community after she meets Vachon, and how she deals with it. Or more about her relationship with Vachon. Or let her survive the ending, and have her deal with the aftermath of "Last Knight."

The Listener
Requested Characters: Charlie Marks, Michelle McCluskey

Charlie Marks: I'd love to see more about Charlie's relationship with Toby after she finds out he's a telepath. Working a case or deciding where the ethical boundaries are when asking for Toby's help, or getting to know each other better, or deciding how to deal with working with someone who can read her mind are all good. Or romantic development, if you want to go that way. Alternately, anything that explores Charlie's decision to become a cop or her life outside of the job could be interesting. Gen or Charlie/Toby are both fine. If you want to go AU from the end of season one, that's fine too.

Michelle McCluskey: As with Charlie, I'd love to see more about Michelle coming to terms with Toby and his telepathy (though she seemed to have an easier time of it than Charlie). Maybe something about the development of their friendship, or turning to each other in a personal crisis. Alternately, something touching on her marriage could be interesting. Or I'd enjoy seeing something about her working relationship with Alvin Klein. (What's their history? They seem to trust each other a lot; where did that come from?)

Person of Interest
Requested Characters: Zoe Morgan

Zoe Morgan: I love Zoe's competence, so anything that shows that off would be excellent. Having her team up again with Finch and Reese is always great. Or maybe she can get their help with something she's working on. Or have her find out more than they really want about what's going on. Or put them in a position where they have to confide in her.

A look at Zoe's background would also be great--what was her early life like? How did she get into this line of work?

I also have a soft spot for Zoe/John, so a story about them as a pairing would be welcome too. Teaming up and kicking ass, or a quieter moment, or sharing secrets, or deciding at some point in the future to try for something more serious.

Stargate SG-1
Requested Characters: Carolyn Lam, Wendy Mitchell, Amy Vandenberg

Carolyn Lam: Carolyn is one of my favourites, and she got so little attention! I'd love to see something focusing on her work at the SGC (an emergency, and off-world inspired puzzle, or just day-to-day life), or her decision to come work for the SGC and finding out it would mean dealing with her father, or something else about her relationship with her father, or what just she thinks about the Stargate program, or her life outside of her work. Or put her on a mission off-world! For pairings, I like Carolyn/Cam and Carolyn/Sam. Or Carolyn/John could be interesting if you want to do an SGA crossover. If you go that route, I like standard first time, how they get together stories, but I'd also be interested in seeing how she feels about dating someone in the military and whether she has concerns about history repeating itself.

Wendy Mitchell: I'd love to see something about what Wendy thought about various canon events. How she felt about being an Air Force wife or how she coped with her husband's accident or what she thought when her son joined the Air Force or how she reacted to his accident. Alternately, stick her in an adventure or show something like her daily life after the Stargate Program is declassified or just talk about how she gets to where she is and how her past informs her present.

Amy Vandenberg: Amy only appears in one episode, so there's a lot of things that can be filled in. I'd love to see something that picks up from "Bounty" and talks about whether Amy chooses to visit Cam in Colorado Springs and what happens if she does, and whether or not things work out for them and what it might look like if they did move forward in a relationship. (Any of those things, not all of them!) Alternately, I'd also love to see what Amy really thinks about that what happened at the reunion, and what--if anything--she does about that. Or her reasons for going to the reunion in the first place and what she hoped to get out of it. Or show Amy's reaction to the declassification of the Stargate Program. How would she feel about it all? What changes might it bring to her life?

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comments. Comments are equally welcome on either entry.

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