Dec 30, 2003 02:00
Brave posts like that are needed.
And sometimes...
I definitely feel the urge to wuss out on my own opinion and delete the post like it never happened.
But I mean what I say so, clearly.
The post is going nowhere.
I really admire kids who know what college they're going to already. I probably should have filled out more than one application before Christmas. I definitely need to get moving on this whole college thing, because for some reason I was raised by a family of intellectuals who receive scholarship money in large amounts and boy, I wouldn't want to be the disappointment factor of the family. Sarcasm right there ladies & gentlemen.. I guess.
You know what's shady? Subtitles to song titles. (E.g. - "The Greatest Fall (Of All Time)") Technically, the Of All Time, necessarily is not needed. Now it may be my own mistake for making the conclusion that Of All Time is an actual subtitle to the song, I could just have somehow made this up in my head.. But if I'm actually correct in this whole subtitle/title/parenthesis battle.. I think its shady. Why not just make the title super long, or save the ( ___________ ) for a really good, surprise in the refrain. I don't think ( _________) subtitles are needed at all. Shady to the max.
I give.
I'm going to sleep and wonder if life gets better beyond subtitles, high school basketball games and anxieties over large crowds.
It probably does.
I'm over-playing the sick state of insomnia i'm feeling right now.
Sleep would be my goodness<3