Mar 13, 2006 20:40
God Holy Shit I love high school.
I spent too much time this year waiting to get out. But damn girl. I wake up at 630, have class till 10, and then spend the rest of the day making Mr. Sullivan laugh by saying Holy Shit. And plus? Life is so easy and sleazy. And the administration who always tells us no? Well? I can't get angry anymore. That's what grown ups do. Kids are looking for experiences, and adults have already had them and want to save us from them. But really? It's our responsibility to be free spirited, or else the circle of life would be more like a trapezoid that was accidently never finished. And so we have made the never ending trapezoid which is so ugly. And whats the deal with needing boyfriends who are committed fully? It's high school. Just have as many as you want. The same applies to the hot dogs in the cafeteria. Who cares if they're grade D? Have one. You'll feel better. And essays? They're not so hard. Just use varied sentence structure, it got me into college.
This is my way of saying I am going to miss this place. And everyone in it. Especially the people who like to dance and lift their voice to life. Like Tevye said. In Hebrew. Which I won't repeat because meh, i don't want to spell it wrong and ruin the whole mood.
And being Winnifred was cultivating.