Jan 19, 2004 02:03
You dummyshit
I'll stab your tit.
You smelly cunt ass
i will make you a titty mcfuck sandwich. A titty mcfuck mcgriddle with XMAYOX
I'll drink your pee.
While we swim in the sea.
Oh please give me your wee wee.
I'll pour ketchup on your dick
While you put mustard on my tit.
We'll dance the samba and drink with nala.
From lion king.
Timon and Pumba and Little Mermaid.
I will chop you in a kitchen aid.
You smell like wet dog.
And you drink diarreah.
Then you call me.
To the store.
Hello My lover.
Buy me more.
Of de special K.
Then come home.
I will fuck you all night and day.
<3, Abby and Alison