In case anyone was wondering/worrying/whatever (I feel awfully presumptuous thinking anyone would actually care that much, but you know) about the state of this community, fear not! It is NOT abandoned, I did NOT stop iconning and I DO very much intend to have another graphics post up soonish. :)
Now two things:
Textures (and probably other resource-y things, should I ever make any) will no longer be posted directly to this community. From now on, all of them can be found at
ontheradar, my textures archive.
You do NOT need to friend/join that comm in order to keep up with updates cause I'm still going to link to them from here. So basically, nothing is changing except that from now on you're gonna have to click on a link instead of a cut. This announcement now seems kind of useless. I wish I'd think these things through before I start typing. ANYWAY. I guess the point is that
ontheradar exists and there's lots of stuff there already and you may take a look if you want to. Yes.
2. Whoever nominated me at
besticonmaker (and at any regular awards community too for that matter): HOLY CRAP, THANKS?!
Seriously, thank you guys. It is incredibly flattering, and I had the worst day so far, and this was a real cheer-up. So, thank you. :)