Fall Break

Oct 19, 2004 20:35

Hey All,

Fall Break is over and although it was short for me it was still very nice. As I mentioned Becca, Glo, Russo and I were planning on going to the Endres' household for Monday and Tuesday morning and thats what we did. Yesterday I woke up to the maintanence man asking if he could fix the lock on my door, that was great because I wanted to sleep longer but couldn't. I attempted going back to sleep for a half hour but instead I just got up and showered. Had some cereal and then packed some clothes. I watched some tv until 10:10 when I headed over to Lesher to meet up with my fellow Jersians. Becca and Russo were already waiting outside Lesher and we waited a couple more minutes while Glo made her way outside. We all got our stuff in the car and headed on our way. Made a quick stop at sheets for drinks and some doughnuts and then we hit the road. The ride there was good and and some points really funny. At one point Russo and Glo were telling Becca about how I ran through a red light after coming back from seeing the Forgotten and we were talking about how Treon was once telling Becca that a stop sign was coming up and other things and that Becca knew they were there and didn't need a heads up...so a couple minutes go by and a sign telling that a stop sign is coming up is on the side of the road and then naturally a stop sign followed... Becca wasn't slowing down and I wanted to say something but it was too funny and I wanted to see if she'd notice and she didn't. She blew right past that thing and me and Glo just looked at each other in the back seat and we started cracking up. Russo and Becca had no idea what just happened and so we had to tell them we just ran thru a stop sign..it was great haha. Another highlight of the ride to Emily's house was def. when Becca randomly decides she wants a lollie pop and pulls the car over, jumps out of he seat and grabs four lollie pops from the trunk. So we made it to Warren at I think around 1-1:30 and Becca started honking the car horn when we entered the town to let everyone know we were here haha. We got to the house sat around for a while and then headed to a greek diner place for some lunch. It was a really good place and after that was done we headed back to the house. We didn't stay too long because we headed to the mall to grab some supplies for Em's sister Carly's soccer game that we were going to. I didn't mention in the previous entry that on Thursday me Glo and Russo had gone to 509ey so that Glo and Russo could make cookies for the pot luck and at the same time Em was making signs for her sisters to bring to the soccer games and so we helped out with those a little bit. So at Em's house we decided we wanted to get some balloons and sparkles for the posters. We didn't find sparkles, we decided against balloons but we ended up getting squakers, those party favors that make noise. We bought those and headed back to the house and we hung out until the game. We got to the game and it was raining so the Endres family provided blankets and umbrellas, very kind of them and we got out our signs for Carly and each grabbed a noise maker. We were so loud and obnoxious but it was awesome. Allie ended up coming to the game as well and she joined in with the noise makers and such. Each time Carly's team scored a goal we would chant the olay olay olay olay thingy and then me and Glo screamed out "it was a gooooal"..good times..It really started to pour during the game and after it was done we were all glad to get into a warm dry place. Once back at the house we put our jeans in the dryer quickly and then after that was done we headed to a Chinese Buffet for some dinner. It was good and it was nice to have a change of food..I haven't had Chinese in such a long time. While we were there they had what we assumed was Chinese music playing and every so often Becca would try and "harmonize" along with the song and each time she did it one of the owners of the place would always look over haha. Then while we were eating ice cream Shoaf decided to put some on her nose and randomly turns to me and says "you won't lick this ice cream off my nose" so I couldn't turn that down, so I did it and Russo got herself a picture out of it. We left the Chinese place and we were just all in a hyper mood. We were driving to pick up a movie and some how got into a discussion about if there are street lights on the highways near Jersey and that brought about Becca and how great Madison is haha. We rented to the Butterfly Effect and we went back to the house and watched it. I hadn't seen the movie before and it was a pretty good movie, really messed up, but good. After that was done we got ready for bed. We all slept up in the attic and the next morning we all woke up around 10ish. Went downstairs had some breakfast, got changed, quickly picked up two of the Endres' family cars and then headed on back to Juniata. It was a really nice time at the Endres house hold and it felt like we had been there for sooo much longer than just a day. When we got back to campus I went back to the dorm, ate lunch, called my mom, did some O.Chem, went on the laptop, had dinner with Russo and Glo at 5:30, did more O.Chem and now I'm about to turn in a watch some tv before bed. I have two things to look forward to in the next coming weeks. This Saturday my family might be coming up to the game we have at Leb. Valley which is awesome because originally they were going to come up with the Caspar family+ mike for my last game, but my mom was saying that if its nice just my family might come and see my game..i can't wait :) ! Ok so enough babbling for now..later
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