Apr 18, 2005 00:05
Ok... Here we go. This is my first official entry. I'm not really sure about all this, but I'm giving it a try. Will anyone read who knows. What exactly is the purpose of it all? Is this just a place for us to vent our thoughts and feelings to the world? Or is there perhaps some deeper purpose that helps one along on life's journey? Ok, enough with the weak philosophy... lets talk about floor tile.... (oh, and sometimes I jump around from subject to subject.... is this insanity or genius, future blogs will tell...)
I'm really annoyed with floor tile. I'm trying to finish the 2nd floor laundry and I'm putting in new tile. So far, its a pain. I followed the instructions I read. Find the center lines, lay the tiles, yada yada yada.... Then when I get to the first wall the damn things don't FIT. I'm going to have to cut a boat load of tile if I do it the way all the books I've been reading say. This is DUMB DUMB DUMB. I don't give a crap if all the tiles are full sized and only one wall is short tiles. I mean really. Why would I want to have cut tiles all the way around the room. UGH.
Oh and by the way.... 6 boxes of ceramic tile is freak'n heavy.
I have some other thoughts but I'm not quite sure how to articulate them yet. There's been a lot of stuff going on the last couple of weeks and I'm still trying to process it all. Blah blah blah. I'll fill this part in later once I figure out what the hell I'm even talking about. Moving on....
I'm tired and feeling more than a little frustrated but it will pass hopefully. Anyway, I have to be up at 5am to drive to the gym so I can workout at 6. I hate getting up that early, but one doesn't get fit by sitting on the couch all night. Good night!