I had the best of intentions for today and then I just couldn't get started.
A Ticket to Ride game with Pam.
1. I'm grateful Pam isn't sick of playing Ticket to Ride yet.
2. I'm grateful for the dog being pretty well behaved during rehearsal tonight.
3. I'm grateful to have a rehearsal tonight.
4. I'm grateful the internet held up ok during the rehearsal.
5. I'm grateful for some sunshine today.
Social Connection
Four hours of rehearsal.
None. Though I am still at my dad's dogsitting- so maybe that? I'm still working on rewiring my head to accept that a lot of the things I feel I should just do without getting any kind of gold star are still acts of kindness. It's ok for me to recognize them as such in my head - and this livejournal.
Fail. I also actively feel fat.
I did not sleep well.
Fail again.
Course Results
I actually finished this course the other day and they had us do happiness tests at the beginning and end to see if the course had any effect and I was kind of shocked. I either had a really excellent week this week (sure? I guess? I mean, it didn't suck) or I had an absolutely abysmal week when I started the course in March (very possible). Or the crazy thing worked.
And then the real crazy one: