Eurofurence 16

Sep 08, 2010 18:56

Now I'm sorry but there aren't going to be pictures here. I got too many of them to choose which to put here :)
No good news on videos either, as I must find and work out an alternative to youtube and re-upload everything there.

So here are some thoughts:

So this time I first had a week in Berlin, the apartment I got was nice and decent. I would sum up Berlin as Graffiti City, I couldn't do to much there mostly duo to rain. I really enjoyed Potsdam and seeing some wolves in a quite deserted wolfpark. The park was suppose to be open but was completely deserted so we just went inside anyway and paid some coins in the charity box because there was no one to take entrance fees.
Overall that week was fun as well and very insightful.

But enough of that. Eurofurence was as awesome as always.

The new hotel is a mixed bag, but in my opinion the staff wasn't bad at all and the fact we were right at town was awesome. Easy shopping, lots of food and easy to arrange the late departure day unofficial fursuit parade, which is in my opinion one of the best events. The biggest hotel issue was the pricing of drinks, but that will hopfully get better by next year.

The first days were full of exploring and socializing. It was nice seeing all my friends again and making many new ones :)

I liked the panels I've been through, kage is always awesome in his panels.
In the dealer's den I got myself some sketch commissions from Tani and Dark Natasha, a nice Tani original, a comic by Rukis and some more nice goodies. Unfortunately there were no more of Rukis's t-shirts my size :(   I really want those two.

Fursuit dance was awesome on Thursday ^^

The fursuit theater was a nice addition to Eurofurence and then came Friday evening, were I got sick :(
I had a cold through out of Saturday, but don't worry, it didn't keep from catching the awesome Pawpet Show (that in my opinion was better then last year, but of course can't compete with EF14's Dream Catchers ^.^) or from dancing until 6am at the BBF Dance :)
That Friday evening however was also the famous Kage vs 2 show, that I must say was the low point of my whole trip and great disappointed over all. It was so much better in the last years, but this time it was 90% recycled, the only thing new to me was Kage's fruitcake/c4 story. It felt like 2 was practicing for his show in the non furry world. And in the end they went into the drama they caused, well wahhh, I then left as watching them cry about drama was too much for me (and I was ill by then after all).

The unofficial fursuit parade was great, it's really awesome to go out there and entertain people, wish I had a fursuit just for that :)

Anyway that's it for now, can't wait for fucking next year :D

2010, eurofurence, eurofurence 16, furry, convention

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