(no subject)

Apr 24, 2007 20:06

One good thing about living your entire life in one area is that you know where things are. On his lunch break, Seymour determines the quickest route to the dentist's - he has time left over to make a few stops along the way, picking up sheets, rope....

Audrey isn't around (now Seymour knows why she kept coming in late), so he only has to lie to one person when he tells "Mr. - uh, Dad," that he went shopping for household items. The shopping bag is big enough to hide everything that's inside it.

The day passes with orders and ringing phones and crowds of people. There are moments when it almost feels normal.

Once the store is closed, Seymour draws the blind. He looks at Twoie. He remembers Audrey's cry of pain. The gun is in the upper right-hand drawer at the front desk; he slips it into his shopping bag, then grabs his orange jacket and his blue cap.

Seymour, cap tugged down tightly over his head, palm sweating on the handle of his shopping bag, enters the office of Orin Scrivello (D.D.S.).


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