Mar 10, 2007 23:36
I just watched Heroes just now. STOP RIGHT THERE. Malaysia have only watched around four or five episodes so go easy on the spoiler topics. Anyway, I felt like digging out the actor/actress profiles on IMDb to see who they came from and all. I was pleasantly surprised to see that Hayden Panettiere, or Claire, was Princess Dot. In A Bug's Life. As well as Suri from Dinosaur. I dunno, I just think that's just too cute. And Thomas Dekker, who plays Zach was Littlefoot in some of the Land Before Time movies. Or rather singing voice. Whatever, he was Littlefoot anyway. I just burst out giggling right there. I grew up singing to Land Before Time! xD
Oh and I was reading a bit of CHERUB last night before I went to bed ... and re-read this one part in The Dealer where eleven year-olds Bruce and Kerry end up in a fight after Kerry made fun of him and James (who is, at this point, twelve.). Anyhoot, Bruce accidentally hurt Kerry's knee, which is a big no-no considering that she smashed it just a year ago. So poor Kerry is rolling around on the floor in agony ... and where's Bruce?
Hiding under his bedsheets, sobbing. And when James tried to coax him out, he told him to "Go away", "Leave me alone" and "I didn't mean to hurt her knee!".
Partially that's why I like Bruce. He's such a little tough guy, one of the best in karate and constantly showing off. But underneath all that he's still just a little kid. Plus, his name is BRUCE. :D
And according to Kyle, he sleeps with a wee blue teddy bear. ... In a room full of gory martial arts posters. Heehee.