Sep 28, 2005 20:01
ok so i haven't been here in quite some time haven't I? Alright well just like everyone else I feel the need to put in my two cents and a few words of wisdom. I decided to do this now because I was getting some major writters block over on my dam topo virtue project, grrr! Alright anyways back to may words of wisdom and stuff. You know I find it rather comical how people interpret one another. I also find it amazing how someone's personal conflict has affected the lives of so many others. We all have some sort of skeletons in our closets but some of us keep our locks tighter on our doors than others. But now somones dirty little secret has been revealed and now we all have to pay. I mean come on who is perfect seriously? At some point in our lives I render no doubts that we have done something that we wish we would have never considered doing. And I don't care when the hell you did it either, because whether you did it now or 5 yrs ago it doesn't make you a better person than the rest of us. I am also amazed at how people have no reasons for the things that they have donw, or they are so ashamed or their reasons that they wouldn't dare share them because it would make them look worse. ok people NEWS FLASH!!! who the fuck cares what other think of you, you already did the deed by not explaining your acctually making yourself look worse because people assume that by you not tellling it must be much worse than it really is. And at some point those people that are judging you will fuck up as well. Oh another thing I am amazed at is how people are such good ventrilliquists these days. I mean it just blows my mind. Cuz from one person you hear one story and then from another person you hear another story yet it is about the same people and the same subject. Thats amazing I'm even mad. Another thing, I absolutely love how people have absolutely no compassion for one another oh yes and I am amazed at how people now are half blind, they can only see their side and their side only. It doesn't matter if one person has a certain problem and another person another sort of problem we just can't come to an understanding that hey they are going through some rough shit too. Sometimes I feel that I just wanna ironically slap people for being so dam insentsitive. Then we have the people that take in everyone's shit and are too bombarded with everyone ele's poblems that they totally ignore the problems in their lives until one they just crash and have a major break down. These people listen to others when they are down and give them a boost when they need it, they try to piece people back together, and try to warn people to move away from those people that might hurt them. So on my fianl note I know that we can not make it alone in this world with all of our problems but only give as much as you willing to take because we all need one another whether we like it or not, and we can't expect to have another Jesus miracle where 5 loaves and 2 fish are going to feed 5,000, we can't expect a few people to carry alll of burdens for us and not help them to get back up when they fall down. Think about it.