Feb 25, 2008 17:38
I was walking out of Hebrew today and someone, I think ella, mentioned there are summer ulpanim (language intensive programs) in Israel. And of course I in passing thought, thatd be a good thing to do after my birthright trip this summer. Then I forgot about it completely for about an hour when all of the sudden in the middle of doing homework in the library it hit me that i would really like to do that. So I threw down my books and spent the next hour researching summer ulpan programs. And every, single, goddamned, second that I did so I got more and more excited until I REALLY REALLY REALLY wanted to do it. I cannot remember the last time I was this excited about something, and I have no idea why, but the idea of learning the language and living in Israel for an extra month or so just struck me as absolutely perfect, instantly soared above all my job seeking goals and made me actually disappointed to get a callback from this marketing internship. This is the time of my life where I should be doing exciting things. Right?
Now I've already hit a few snags. The Tel Aviv one is too late in the summer. And the Rothberg one is about three full weeks after my Birthright trip ends. What the hell would I do with myself for three weeks alone in Israel?? And what makes me sure that I want to do all this crazy Israel shit without having ever seen the place? Who says I have the willpower for an intensive language program? But I just can't stop thinking about it.