So last night we did this:
Pretty fucking mind-blowing, didn't know that day would ever come. In all seriousness, I knew it would, but it hit me this morning that all the hard work is OVER till this fall. I just want to say thank you, I'm not even sure to whom, I just want to say thank you for anything anyone has done for me.
Anyway, in eight hours, I leave on the greatest adventure of my young life so far. I actually need to go get ready. I'll catch you all on the flip side, who knows, you may even get a phone call at some godforsaken hour if I feel the need. Or just LJ posts. I don't know yet. I'm going to miss everyone while I'm gone.
Anyway, in parting.....
You shout in your sleep.
Perhaps the price is just too steep.
Is your conscience at rest if once put to the test?
You awake with a start to just the beating of your heart.
Just one man beneath the sky,
Just two ears, just two eyes.
You set sail across the sea of long passed thoughts and memories.
Childhood's end,
Your fantasies merge with harsh realities.
And then as the sail is hoist,
You find your eyes are growing moist.
All the fears never voiced say you have to make your final choice.
Who are you and who am I to say we know the reason why?
Some are born;
Some men die beneath one infinite sky.
There'll be war, there'll be peace.
But everything one day will cease.
All the iron turned to rust;
All the proud men turned to dust.
And so all things, time will mend.
So this song will end.
-David Gilmour
See you all very soon.........