lets see um today's matthews birthday so
Happy Birthday Matthew!!!!!!
Um as I sit here these are the thoughts that run through my brain~
Girls night tomorrow! Whoo hoo yay!
Some girls like to be extremly immature!
soccer and more soccer
The last 2 days have sucked all I have to say is it's me and Jen agianst the world. It seems like people are jelous of our friendship! All I have to say about the situation is when the person can approch us with an matture attitude I will be there with open ears to listen, until then 2 can play this game~
Anywho tomorrow night is girls night!
And here is a few pictures from the weekend!
Shoes in trees LONG STORY
Luke the awesome skateboarder
Me and hannah
Gangsta look
hannahs tuba man!!
Well I got two!!!!
my whole family!
some guys car!!!