Hey everyone,
Yeah, so I still can't find any kind of representation for the chess club (which, I've found out, actually does exist, but is lacking in activity and membership). The activities fair is coming up on 6 September, so I registered to represent the chess club. The fair will be on the CFA lawn from 4:30 to 6:30 (Wiegand gym if it's raining). If anyone wants to come and actually help out, that would be awesome. If not, please do come by the table and say hi anyway! (Not sure yet where it's going to be exactly.) Especially if you've got any interested in the existence of a chess club (from the most casual gatherings to official tournaments; we could do anything since we'd be starting from scratch).
I guess Facebook is the new black when it comes to getting a message out, so there is now a CMU Chess Club group,