
Jul 01, 2005 13:05

Is that it?

Aaaaahh, I can't wait for tonight..... we're going up to the river, and it's going to be AWESOME. Awesome, I say. Because we're not only rafting for three days--Saturday, Sunday, and Monday--but I also get to go wakeboarding on Monday!! I so can't wait.... I've been looking forward to wakeboarding again since we stopped doing it last year. Aaaaaahh! My baby's coming back!! Ooooh, my precious, precious wakeboard...... wundava. Or however you spell it. I don't care right now.

Oh, oh! And Joe apparently asked for me specifically this weekend. I might get to guide!!..... Why am I scared out of my wits?

I'm going to be tired as hell come Monday.

I need sleep.


Hmmm, nothing new of any interest has arisen..... Or has it? Mmmmmm, juicy, sweet, delicious secrets..... awesome.

Ahh, LiveJournal: Group Therapy for the Socially Inept.


Quote of the Moment: "You owe me, dick." (Laughter) "There was a comma in there, asshole!"
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