May 23, 2008 11:47
So, my packing has stalled. Since the workshop I was going to attend in June got cancelled, I've got a full week after my parents leave now in which to finish my packing. Of course, this means I have more time on my hands now during which I've been mostly just puttering around the apartment, watching tv and such. It's not a bad thing, but I am looking forward to getting a job more and more every day.
Thanks to my visit with my cousin, I've been more active in my attempt to be healthy. Since I have all this time, I really have no excuse to not exersize. I'm not really trying to lose weight; I'd rather just increase my stamina and strength. Like being able to run a mile would be nice, since I haven't been able to do that since however long ago. A nice by-product of running though, is that I am losing weight. I'm back to the weight I was at when Tim moved out last summer. I was okay with my diet last year, but after he left me in January I really stopped caring. I still don't really enjoy running, but it feels less and less like I'm forcing myself to work out, which is nice. It's wonders what a little willpower and incentive can do. Next week will be my last graduation, and I plan to look my best underneath that ill-fitting tent of a garment they call a robe. Not to mention the stylish cardboard square that I'll have on my head!