Jun 25, 2004 19:53
Hey kids!
Its been a week, and i am having an awesome time!
great people, learning a ton, so happy i came!
the intense week of classes is over, so its intern time, we are moving into the dorms, I have the best roommates!
we miss you already Brenna!
quote from the dinner table tonight, (for all pinky & the brain fans)
me: "so what goes on around here on friday nights?"
dan: "the same thing that goes on every night, we try to take over the world!"
time for ping pong
love to all my pals in Boston, and CT!
oh and my cell is broken at the moment, so send me letters or e-mail
"Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see."
Hebrews 11:1