first ever entry...ever

Dec 30, 2005 21:41

Hey soo, i dont really know how this works, but thats never stopped me before, so here it goes. Im having a pretty friggin sweet holly-day, im soo relaxed right now..but somewhere inside me i know it has to end soon, i think i might cry..

Now its time for random outbursts of ponder

Hey all you elligable(spelling? wait, I dont care its not time for schooling yet) lady's out there, have you been feeling lonely this holiday season? well i sure have.. i think i need a hug or something..

So synopsis of holidays...skiing skiing, christmas morning, skiing, nappanee, relatives, turkey...mmmm turkey, sking, skiing, skiing, and guess what more skiing! you might think i would get bored, but then you wouldnt know me very well...

Christmas presents equal.. sweet new gloves for skiing, goggles for skiing, Cash and a UNICYLCLE, yah thats right, a bike with one wheel.. can you say bell idol? i sure can... oh and Jack Johnson DVD of concerts and tour of Japan. soo soo good. oh and like 40 pairs of socks, and boxers :)

Ive decided that new years resolution is to make sure that everyone of my friends know that they mean the world to me, and to stay healthy and eat a proper breakfast, my mommy told me to do that one :)

Im sure theres other stuff that my brain doesnt want to have in there any longer but its plugged oh wait...umm im sicky and my back hurts, also im a whiney bitch so that means time to exunt.

Wasnt that more fun than a barrel of monkeys?
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