you ought to know this by now, but -

Sep 01, 2005 01:35

Overcompensating is essential readin' . Overcomp author J Ro has been on a roll lately, but then again so has The Englishman. While I'm on a roll with the linkage, all y'all who be on top of Questionable Content ought to know about Diesel Sweeties, the webcomic with a lame name and a chuckle+ that got me reading web comics in the first place. I share because I read them everyday (fridays and saturdays are kind of sated with jokes from them since they aren't updated those nights).

I am still on the John Kerry e-mail list, and i'm pretty sure i didn't sign up for anything on his website. i do seem to remember watchin videos. He sent me another one today (about Hurricane Katrina), and this comic showed up too.
Anyway, the comic above is linked to a good place to lend a helping hand to those people effected by Hurricane Katrina. Perhaps you've heard of teh RED CROSS? We paid for blood. It hurts down there (meaning Louisiana, Alabama, and Mississippi) right now. Be a band-aid, not another goddamn live-8 revival. They will remember the next time this god foresaken state floods.

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permalinked, scary go round, john edwards, webcest, john kerry, wigu, hurricane katrina, red cross, web comics, questionable content, live-8, diesel sweeties

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