Jul 23, 2008 16:45

*look, it's an Alan making -- tea?*

*strolls into the kitchen - is tall, redhaired, and pretty! and hard to miss what with the tattoos from knuckle to elbow.*

*well, is probably discreetly checking him out, and gives him a polite enough nod*

*is definitely checking him out, and probably not so discreetly* Hel/lo./

*it's only discreet because Alan's a Victorian >_>* I don't believe we've met, sir?

No, I don't think so, I'm sure I'd remember you. *very charming smile! yay* *offers a hand* Felix Harrowgate.

*shakes his hand* Alan Campbell.

* so tempted. instead, just holds it for perhaps a moment too long.* It's a pleasure to meet you.

*and there's a small politeish smile* I was just making some tea. Would you care for some?

I would adore some - *pause. just a beat.* Tea.

*and that smile's a little larger, so going to make tea now*

*sprawls on a couch, probably admiring his ass as he goes, because*

*returns with tea*

*wide smile* Ah. Thank you. I'm not usually a tea person, but I find myself ... /desiring/... it this afternoon.

*settles down nearish Felix and offers him his cup* I was in the library, and I needed some tea.

The library? Pray tell, what were you studying?

Ah -- chemistry. *shrugs a bit* I was a chemist, in London.

*smiles, leans toward him a little propping his chin on his hand* It sounds intriguing.

I suppose.  Most people find it boring.

Truly? So people find such things that I am interested by.

*arches an eyebrow* Oh?

Esoteric things - labyrinths, history...I dabble in numerous subjects. Sometimes I've heard my interests are downright... *oh, there's a palpable once over, Alan* ...I believe the word is 'abhorrent.'

*sipping his tea and not giving him approving glances, we sweaaaar* Ah.  I myself have always found history fascinating.

*more of that charming smile, perhaps leaning a little closer as if fascinated* Myself as well.

One would assume so. *amused look*

Do you study other things than chemistry? *curiously*

Music, yes.  --Well, I did back in England.

Music? How lovely. I have no gift for it myself, but I do adore hearing other's play it. *is probably sitting fairly close. though not too close*

*nods* I played violin and piano.

Ah...I've always loved the piano. And yes, you do have a pianist's hands... *takes one, as though admiring his fingers, perhaps with a touch of a caress on his wrist*

*ngh -- we mean, sips his tea, dammit* I -- ah. Thank you.

*ooooooh. -smiles-* You're welcome, of course. Sincerity is hardly a difficulty.

*that certainly isn't making him melt >_>* I'm sure, but you haven't even heard me play, sir.

*of course not, nor the slight caress again as he releases his hand* Would you grace me with an performance, sometime, messire Campbell?

Of course.

*dazzlingly charming smile, Alan, have one* Thank you.

*oh /God/, melts a bit more*

*catches his hand and perhaps lifts it to his lips for a light kiss* You are too kind.

*amused little blushy smile*  Now, if you prefer.

Truly? I would be ...delighted.

Very well. *finishes the rest of his tea and heads over to a piano*

*leans back to watch him, still smiling*

*sits and plays -- something, maybe it's a bit of Beethoven*

*listens, eyes half closed, eventually stands and goes over to stand just a few steps away*

*might still be playing*

*will listen until he finishes, watching him with almost smoky eyes. is /so horny./*

*done then?*

*applauds* Lovely. I see I wasn't wrong.

*might be blushing a bit more*

*bright smile, perhaps draws him to his feet* I'm only sorry I can't offer the same pleasure to you... *slight emphasis on the word you might expect, perhaps*

I'm sure we can think of something.

Perhaps we might... *walks his fingers up his arm, maybe?*

*raises an eyebrow and smiles*

*smiles back, brightly, fingers brushing his neck* If, of course, you're interested in ...hunting for ideas.

I wouldn't be adverse to it.

Then certainly... *catches his chin and draws him in a bit closer, lips hovering over his* I have a few suggestions.

*grins a bit* Alright.

*well then, kisses him with considerable passion and skill*

*oh, well, kissing!  definitely kissing back*

*with tongue? and slides his arms around Alan perhaps*

*well, they -are- alone, so*

*draws him a little closer, perhaps, though not too close - doesn't want to alarm him with the sheer amount of /already turned on ness/ dammit Marius - caressing up his back*

*arches an eyebrow at him* Mm, well.

*draws back and gives him a dazzling smile* Does that make up for some of it?

Oh, rather.

*slight grin, perhaps slides his hand a little lower* Not altogether, though, perhaps?

I would not dare intrude on more of your time, sir.  *but he's smirking, just a bit*

I have /long/ hours to while away. *more of a grin*

Oh, well, if it would not be intruding.

I assure you, there'd be no question of intrusion. *another kiss?*

Very well. *no complaints here!*

*both hands down to pull his hips closer with a little purr*

*makes a soft noise* Mm -- perhaps we should move this elsewhere.

Ah - that sounds a /brilliant/ idea to me.

Excellent. *but we've got time for another kiss, right?*

*allllways time for more kissing.*


*the gay snoggage, it calls to him. like a beacon*

*a sexy beacon*

*was hoping for gay /sex/ thank you very much - horny as all hell*

*well that's definitely still an option! Especially if we keep kissing like this*

*oh excellent, because kissing is very good - hands roaming a little bit*

*so anyway, saunters in lookin' damn fine, as per usual... and stares at Alan and Felix in something close to shock*

*sorry, Dorian, kissing is more fun that paying attention to people*

*is pretty, Dorian!* *but yes, distracted.*

*also pretty! Like Josh Groban!*

*circle of pretty, between the three of them*

*... not enough people are paying attention to him :|* Alan /Campbell/. I must say I'm pleasently surprised at this.  Well done, you've finally retired your celibacy.

*is not letting him get very far, sorry - lifts his head and laughs* Jealous, darling?

*makes a soft disappointedish noise and directs a -- not much of a glare, really, at Dorian*  I never said I was celibate.

Then I'm /personally/ offended, instead of just being offended on principle. Who's the lucky man?

*slight bow* Felix Harrowgate. *dazzling smile*

Felix, this is Dorian Gray.

Old....friend of yours, Alan?

You might say that.

*offers his hand with a slow, rather sensual grin* Pleasure to meet you.

*smile back, takes his hand* Charmed.

*shakes his hand firmly, giving him and appriciative look* How long have you been hiding him from me, Alan?

*laughs* Hardly hiding. Perhaps you should watch more carefully.

I get so easily distracted. *smirk*

I'm well aware of how distracted you get. *who, him, bitter? Naaah*

Darling, you know I still adore you. *strokes his fingertips over Alan's cheek, pouting a little*

*still has an arm around Alan, likely* *eyebrows* My. Such.... *trails off decorously. wants to get somewhere private*

*pulls away from Dorian a bit* You're /married/, Dorian.

Thank you for reminding me. Have you seen my lovely wife lately?

I don't make it a habit to look for her.

Nor do I. I don't like keeping her on a leash. She's probably at rehearsal anyway. She's in a play.

You ought to keep an eye on her. Women have a nasty habit of sneaking up behind you when you don't want them to.

*slight twitch -- like  he needs something /else/ to be paranoid about. doesn't look in the mirror every five minutes, really* She has her interests, and I have mine. I return to her bed every night, no wife should expect more than that.

*amused at the twitch, likes getting to people* Just a friendly warning.

Mmph. *would really like to get back to the kissing, plzkthx*

So Felix, where are /you/ from?

*kisses his check, flicking his tongue against his cheek, letting him know he hasn't forgotten* Lately, the Mirador, in Melusine.

*ngh, smiles at Felix*

*oh wants to kiss Felix so badly... licks over his lower lip* Fascinating. I'm assuming that's not on Earth?

*eyebrows* I suppose if you're so unfamiliar with it, it must not be. *is not going to let Dorian or Alan know that kissing Dorian sounds lovely to him!*

*clears his throat a bit* --Wine?*because wine helps him deal with Dorian* -- Or absinthe?

Wine sounds /lovely/, Alan. Why don't you fetch it for us? Oh -- the absinthe sounds even better.

Either sounds excellent to me, darling.

*hurries off to get absinthe, shooting a slight glare at Dorian*

*slight smile at Dorian* He's a darling, isn't he?

*winks at Alan and turns back to Felix* Oh I just adore him.

*laughs, richly* Clearly. He doesn't seem quite so fond of you.

He's tempremental. Perhaps it's something about chemists.

He seemed me.

Thus my surprise. He's usually a little antisocial. All alone with his... beakers and things. A tragedy, really.

I'm pleased he's made an exception. *smirk*

*returns with absinthe*

As am I. It's good to see him out and about.

*beams at Alan* Ah - thank you, darling. *goes to take something, to help, perhaps?*

*sure, absinthe making takes a bit*

*brushes his hand and murmurs* We'll get back to...things. I promise.

*nods and gives him a slight smile*

*one of those dazzlesmiles back*

Mm, what's this? *arranges himself on a couch near the  absinthe*

*ngh, melting a bit*

*well, leads him over and sets things down* I'm afraid I may be unfamiliar with this process...

Dorian's the best at it.

Shall I, then?

Go ahead.

Be my guest. *smile for Dorian, too*

*and expertly serves up the absinthe, raising his glass in a toast* Cheers. Sip it slowly.

Cheers. *raises his glass as well and takes a small sip*

So, tell me about yourself. I find people so fascinating.

Myself? *laughs* I suppose I'm not used to having to do so. I'm the Mirador.

Mmm, notorious? /Do/ tell. *sips as well*

*so here, so sipping absinthe*

*laughs* *mock primly* I'm afraid it's not that interesting a tale.

*pouts* You disappoint me, Felix. I thought you'd be more fun than Alan.

*laughs* Oh, what a positively /dreadful/ thing to say. Alan is such fun. *kisses him, briefly?*

He doesn't like having fun with me anymore. *tragic sigh,  leaning back against the couch*

*kisses back*  Mm.  I wonder why that could be, Dorian.

You'll make me jealous.  *eyeing Felix none too subtly*

*--gonna give Felix another kiss then, hah*

*slight smile for Dorian* Jealousy is such an /unattractive/ emotion - darl- *oooh, kisses.* *but winks at Dorian nonetheless*

*slow smirk that  Alan might recognize as the look Dorian gets when he knows he's getting into someone's pants by the end of the night*

*sfdghjfdgrr god -damn- it takes a long drink of absinthe*

*will be very disappointed if /he/ doesn't get into someone's pants* *takes a decorous sip of absinthe with a languorous smile for Alan* Mmm. Well. I can see why you'd be disappointed at your loss. *at Dorian*

*crosses his legs discreetly and just watches the two of them for a moment*

*has had his crossed, likely, for a while. or should.*

*takes another longish drink of absinthe*

So Alan. Other  than seducing handsome young men, what have you been up to?

*continues sipping, though perhaps slides his hand over and lets it creep up his thigh, because /sex/ dammit*

*oh -- then, freezes for a moment, but smiles and takes another drink*  Nothing you would call exciting, I'm afraid.

*looking at Dorian with that slight smile on his face, but keeps the hand moving, slowly, fingers tapping teasingly*

Felix seems /quite/ interesting. *finishes off his glass and licks his lips slowly*

*shifts a little and finishes his own glass* Ah, but you asked what I was doing.


*amused laugh**finishes off his and hopefully Alan didn't move /away/* How about you, Dorian? Done....anything...interesting?

*oh no, he didn't, he's just kind of swooning a little*

I'm sad to say that my life has been terribly dull lately. I'm looking for something to make it more exciting.

*still smile, moves the hand up a little morrre* Outdoor activities are always... stimulating.

*nnngh* Mm. I daresay.

Oh I haven't done anything outdoors in /ages/. I should try that.

*strokes his inner thigh with a finger perhaps?* Mmmhm. I always find it entertaining.

Maybe you'd join me sometime.


I'd be delighted to. *more of that, then, because fuuuun*

*ewsrtyutfgcdhf* More absinthe?

Of course. *pours another round for everyone*

*takes a long drink again -- and yes, has his legs crossed*

*slides his hand back over to his own leg, taps his fingers on his knee with a smile at Alan* Thank you. *sips his*

*melty smile at Felix*

Aren't you two sweet? *smirks over his glass*

Mm? Oh. I -- suppose.

*grin* Why, thank you. *sips absinthe with an arch eyebrow at Dorian before leaning over and kissing Alan with just a brief flick of his tongue*

*pleased little shiver*

Tease. *sip of absinthe*

*arches a brow* As if you haven't done the same.

Who says it's a tease? *wicked smile*

I like the sound of this.

*caress up the leg again* I'm pleased you do.

Oh /do/ you? I approve. *watches rather eagerly*

*wonders if Alan is drunk enough to suggest inviting Dorian XD*

*makes a quiet pleased sound and takes another absinthesip* Mm. Do you really, Dorian?

*sips his own absinthe*


*and another sip* Well. *gives him a sort of lazy look* Are you going to come over here?


... *grins and situates himself next to Alan on the couch* As you wish.

*so -- couch'd!*

*nuzzling Alan's neck quite happily*

*smile for Alan and another kiss* This is ....very nice.

*kisses back with another pleased noise* It is.

*strokes his hand over Alan's thigh* Quite.

I'm sure Dorian didn't want to be left out in the cold.

Well I wouldn't mind joining, of course.

*well, there's two hands on your thighs, Alan darling, because those fingers are baaack*

Mmm -- *gives one of them a kiss -- maybe Dorian* You two are horrible.

I don't know, I like to think I'm rather good at this. *returns the kiss with a grin*

Good at being horrible.

Well I try. *nibbles at his lip*

I'm quite aware, darling. *scrapes his neck with his teeth, just lightly*

*and there's another pleased noise, not so soft this time*

*moves down with little brushes of his tongue*

Mmm -- *tugs one of them closer -- whoever's closest*

*takes the opportunity to kiss and bite his way over Alan's neck*

*moves his hand up Alan's thigh and kisses his jawline, though watching Dorian with one eye*

*tilts his head back with another happy noise*

*feels the need to note that pants are so inconvenient at times like this*

Should we move this to a more comfortable place, or is the couch suitable for everyone? A bed might have more room...

More privacy as well...*shifts his hand on Alan's thigh a little*

Mm. Bed, I think.

One of your rooms?

Mine is just upstairs.

Why not?

Well then. *stands and looks expectantly at the two of them*

*twines his fingers with Alan and stands also?*

*to Alan's room?*


*indeed! :D*

*okay then, gets in and shuts the door*

*guuuh bedroom, finally.* *bright dazzlesmile for both of them* So...


*shrugs out of his coat and drapes it somewhere* How do we want to go about this?

*lascivious smile* I'm not picky. *well, is. but.*

I'm not sure. I haven't done anything like this in a very long time.

Oh /much/ too long, Alan.

All the better to start again.

I daresay.

*crosses to Alan, caresses his face and slides one hand under his buttocks perhaps* It's not so hard. I'm sure you'll remember.

*makes a soft ngh sort of noise* Mmhm.

*sneaks up behind Alan, then, nuzzling the back of his neck and reaching out to slide his hand over Felix's thigh*

*the back of it, that is*

*delighted little noise, kisses Alan again and moves the hand on Alan's face over to Dorian's waist, stroking down over his hip*

*iiin the middle of two rly hot guys -- and probably snogging Felix, rather*

*mmmmm snogging is /good/* *gooses Alan a bit, perhaps*

*this might be a slight squeak*

*soft laugh* You're adorable. *squeezes Felix's thigh and presses his hips against Alan*

Mmm -- *and this is probably because he's pretty damn drunk* Missed you.

*little intake of breath and his hips jerk forward into Alan's quite involuntarily* Quite adorable...

Oh I missed you too, Alan... *grins against his neck, then bites gently*

*gasps, because biting and hips and nnnnggh -- and is attempting to get his waistcoat off*

*is glad to help with that, though not moving away, oh no*

*takes care of his own tie and waistcoat, then quickly goes back to kissing and nibbling Alan's neck*

*is just wearing a blouse and pants, which are easy to take off*

*oh good, then, hopefully tie and waistcoatless too*

*moves his hand around to slide across Alan's pelvis, the other slipping down to caress Dorian's thigh*

*appreciative moan, sliding his hands over  to Felix's hips to pull him closer to Alan, and Alan closer to him*

Mm -- *gasps a bit and presses back against Dorian, and slips his fingers under Felix's blouse*

*presses against Alan with a low purring moan as well and strokes one finger along the very top of his thigh, hand on Dorian shifting so his short nails press against the skin through the cloth**

*shivers a little and bites Alan's shoulder* Should we perhaps lie down?

I think so. *but tugs Felix's blouse off first and gives him a snog*

*snogs back, almost breathlessly* I think that would be wise.

*starts unbuttoning his own shirt, then sits on the bed*

*and follows Dorian to the bed*

*is so there - sits next to Dorian perhaps and leans over to kiss his neck, because has been wanting to kiss Dorian dammit*

*pulls him down for a kiss, gripping his hips gently*

*straddles Dorian carefully and kisses back with a soft moan*

*well - that leaves him free to explore Dorian's neck, nibbling, licking gently, fingers toying with his hair lightly*

*oh we like this very much* *reaches one hand over to rest on Felix's thigh, so he can be in contact with both of them*

*probably giving Dorian another snog*

*gaaah, the kiss on his turns almost fierce with sheer sexual hunger*

*bites at Alan's lip, then turns to kiss Felix eagerly*

*works on Dorian's trousers then*

*kisses him back, teasing Dorian's lips with his tongue*

*parts his lips with a soft sigh, pressing his hips up against Alan's*

Mmm. *tugs at Dorian's trousers gently*

*is going to give him a very thorough kiss, then, because mmmmm*

*sighs and tugs at Alan's trousers as well -- then realizes that he can't remove either with Alan on top o f him*

*moves his hands to get his own off, though*

*gives Dorian another kiss, then gets up to get his own trousers off*

*stands to strip his off and goes to kiss the back of Alan's neck maybe*

That's more like it. *laughs softly and kicks his trousers off, shrugging out of his shirt*

Much better this way. *smile*

*makes a soft little noise and gets his own trousers off, then turns to kiss Felix again*

*kisses! sliding his hands over his chest*

*makes a pleased noise and presses against him a bit*

*stretches out on the bed, content to watch for the moment*

*slides his hands over his shoulders, kneading them a little, shifting to guide his hips against Alan's*

*moans softly and presses closer, closing his eyes*

*a little gasp, breathing a little faster, toys with Alan's tongue with his own a little, eyes half closed*

Mm --*this might be a slightly bitey snog*  Bed?

That's what we're here for. *slight smirk*

*slightly drunk laugh* You know what I meant.

*tugs him that way* I do, I think...

Mmhm.  *and clearly now it's time for another snog*

*soft noise, snogs back with a little lip nibble for Alan this time*

*moans softly, shakily, and backs up against the bed*

Mmm, /darling/. *pushes him back, lightly, moving to straddle him*

*soft laugh* I suppose.  *and sits, giving him another hungry kiss with a quiet noise*

*little moan and leans into Alan, pressing his hips forward*

Please -- *jerks his hips a little and tangles a hand in Felix's hair*

Please...? *oooh more of a noise, kisses him again*

*kisses back hungrily* I daresay you can figure it out.

Probably a wise assumption... *kisses down his neck, shifting against him*

*moans again, a little louder, and hairtugs*

*moves his hand down between Alan's legs in the little space between them, moving his kisses down his chest*

*hisses quietly and arches his hips a little*

*lower - kisses both his thighs and proceeds to lavish attention on certain sensitive parts of his anatomy*

Oh --*shivers and presses as close as he can*

*is /very/ good at this, moves his fingers to stroke Alan's inner thighs as well*

*dsfghjhkug guh* Mmm..

*smiiiiile but still arrrrgh for him* *moves his tongue in a spiral, lazily*

*jerks his hips a little*

*teases his skin with fingers and mouth both, makes a little sound*

*pleased gasp* As lovely as this is -- would you prefer more?

*draws back* Yes...

I wouldn't mind it myself.

*lascivious smile, kiss* Then by all means...lie back, darling. *goes hunting for oil or something to use*

*kisses back with a grin and flops back on the bed*

*shall we assume - finds something? and returns with it to stretch out next to Alan, caresses his buttocks, kisses his shoulder*

*half-turns to give him a hungry kiss and a drunk sort of seductive smile*

*lazy, lustful smile back* You do remember, don't you?


How to do this... *kisses him again, long and with lazy hunger*

*kisses back, just as hungry* Of course I do.

You seemed worried. *coats his fingers and sets it aside, running one hand lazily over his butt and lower back*

'M not. *shivers slightly and snuggles up close*

*kisses him soundly and takes the opportunity to be sure that he's all ready for sexing because has been /waiting/*

*oh, is so ready and definitely kissing back*

*shifts, then, and withdraws the kiss lazily, rolling him to his chest and straddling his back, perhaps with a small moan of desire*

*stretches with a pleased little moan*

*thrusts into him with a long moaning cry because aaaaahfinally*

*this is a soft yelping sort of moan, because it -has- been a long time, but ohGod it feels good*

*kisses his neck, his back, draws back and moves again, rocking his hips back and forth against Alan because /two days/ of horny and ggaauuuh*

*gasps and moans a bit louder, arching his back* Mmm --

*oh - makes a small noise* Ahhhh - *keeps moving, though, thrusting slowly, drawing it out deliberately*

*moans again and shifts some, starting to stroke himself in time with Felix's thrusts*

*breath hitches, hands moving to bring Alan's hips up even as he pushes forward*

*oh, and that-- that gets a loud, slightly strangled moan* Mm, there --

*gasping moan* Oh God--- *involuntary jerk of his body against him*

*jerks his hips back and starts stroking himself faster, with little gaspy moans*

*writhes against him a little, lowering his head and giving his neck a nibbling little kiss, shuddering with the pressure but trying to hold himself back*

*gasps again, squirming slightly* Mm, almost...

*gasping moan that turns into a cry as he climaxes, spasming against Alan*

*jerks again with a loud moan as he comes*

*at last settles against him, panting*

*panting a little himself* Mm.

*runs his fingers through Alan's hair* My God...

*laughs softly and turns to give him a kiss* I agree.

*kisses him back lazily* Mmmm.

That was -- mm. Lovely.

FABULOUS To say the least.
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