Title: Lament of a Madman
Author: vinniebatman
Fandom: Profiler
Characters/Pairings: Jack/Samantha
Rating/Warnings: This one is teen for references to serial killing.
Spoilers: Generally through the series
Disclaimer: I so totally own Profiler. So Bow Down! *Doctor's Note: Patient exhibits delusions of grandeur and any claims of ownership are pure fantasy. No harm is meant. Seriously, it's better than her throwing rocks at people.*
Beta: Thanks for the betaing and cheerleading of
Dedication: Written for my dear friend
serialbathera who is just a total sweetie, always there to pick me up when I'm bummed. I love you so, Amanda!
Author's Note: After posting this on my journal, it was suggested that I post here. This is actually my first Profiler fic, so I hope you enjoy it!
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