Oct 20, 2008 15:45

Leave me a comment saying "interview me."
I will ask you five questions.
Post the answers on your lj and then interview your friends!

1. If you could only see one live: Dane, Stephen, or Demetri...who would it be?

Guhhh, I would say Stephen but if my parents went with me it wouldn't end well. xD So Demetri. <3

2. You get 5 million dollars. First thing you buy?

As many DVDs and CDs I can think of. xD

3. There is a llama in your front yard. What do you name it?

Mufasa, just because that is such a badass name.
I would also give it a top hat and cigar.

4. What's your favorite song to sing in the car?

Ga ha, you already know this one. xD
Sweet Caroline.
Just so I can go BUH BUH BUH.

5. Who are three deceased people that you think should have been cryogenically frozen and brought back to life?

Uh, Heath Ledger, because I love him too much.
Abraham Lincoln (lolwhut) because he should TOTALLY be president now. xD
Annnnnd, John Lennon, because the Beatles own.


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