Few things I understand, at least in reference to the human condition and the media's effect on it. I can certainly not see the media's interest in pushing the boundaries of what is acceptable in sex and violence- together, anyway. Sex is... subtle touches. Things are delicate without the protection of clothes. Sex is what the media likes to paint as love, so why paint it at the same time, as acceptable to beat that person?
Perhaps it [this opinion] comes from a background such as I have. When one is expected at any given moment to be beaten and degraded by those we sleep with- trained for those very moments, one becomes more grateful for every soft touch we receive. Is it so with those who were blessed enough to pass that? The theory of 'you don't know what you've got until it's gone'? Is that in play?
Some shocks, touches that aren't quite so... subtle, often can be nice- one rarely says no to outright groping when one is in the mood. The challenge of knowing where the line between pain and pleasure is quite a thrill, but why anyone would enjoy deeply scarring their body for no advantage- no money, nothing- is something that I am at a loss to explain.
Marriage became a staple from caveman times, back when the life expectancy of a person was... well 25 years, if they were lucky. Really people got married and then died. The prospect of 'til death do us part' was established then as well. It wasn't a huge challenge- you'd be dead probably a few hours after, anyway.
But like everything, it became solidified because it was history, tradition. In reality, the lengthened life expectancy, not to mention the preamble and increased likelihood of promiscuity and laws about homosexuality, really creates marriage as more of a hinderance.
Because one has longer to live, one has more time to explore their options. Relationships of ten or more years can mean nothing if one member of the partnership finds that the grass is greener somewhere else. The media, yet again exerting their influence, paint promiscuity and sex before marriage as a good thing- so why get married at all? If sex is the ultimate expression of love, and now it's suddenly okay to give your love without exchanging rings, why bother?
Why bother even remaining faithful to one person? Sure you can love and cherish someone with all your heart, but look at today's society- it's all about the bedroom, yet if anyone mentions the bedroom, oh my God, taboo! We have pills and toys and videos and books, and every goddamned thing you could need to know about how to screw, but when it comes to being romantic, where do we see it? Oh, yes, in those movies that make 90% of the population gag.
So... why bother being faithful? If they're no good in the sack, it seems regardless of how much we love them, we should ditch them. Isn't that what society is all about? The instant gratification from a one-night stand or five minutes in the coatroom, as opposed to that lingering happiness and whatever it is that I can't understand that comes with finding somebody decent?
My God, can't someone make up their minds? We seem to have to do both. But some people find the right person earlier, some never do. Society is flawed.
((Yes, god I swear I'm on hiatus, stfu, he wouldn't shut up.))