Adagio Tea, Holy Shit, and HTTYD2

Jun 19, 2014 19:24

So I finally did something with the adagio account I created eons ago. I had never gotten around to buying anything from there, but the table neighbors to my left at AZ had made a bunch of "fandom tea" and brought their sampler box for it and it all smelled wonderful. And I've been wanting to actually make one of the custom "make your own blend" options and have saved several combos before but never actually bought it. Well as a belated bday gift to myself I did.....omfg I finally did and I made it for my OCs and their story Je T'aime....which I've actually started putting to actual type this was the one New Years resolution I made was to get it out of my head and out of note-taking style and actually into chapter format and I'm like 8 chapters deep into the first of the two books worth that it will be one day in the "I'm 80 and on my deathbed here's this shit book I wrote kids" future.

But I made a tea that I felt embodied the main characters and the story, and it's made from earl grey with citrus and vanilla, with actual rose petals and lavender in it.

I got the package in today and it is huge. I had gotten a $5 coupon as a promo thing and the bag was $10 plus $3.75 shipping so yay! And it said 3 oz bag and I forgot just how big those were in terms of tea cuz it's been forever and a day since I purchased looseleaf tea. And dear god.....dear mother of smells so good.

It's so naturally sweet with the citrus and vanilla and floral flavors that it needs no sugar, it's perfect, and I'm not even a fan of super sweet teas to begin with so it's like, the perfect level on its own. And it's just's perfection. I was even making silent bets with myself "hurr hurr watch it taste like absolute shit Pam".....but no, I actually made a thing and it's amazing! And the smell......I CAN ACTUALLY SMELL IT for one, and it is it's own form of crack. It's a bag of aromatherapy and tea therapy all in one and it's raining right now and I'm in PJs and I managed to score a day off and I'ma go sip the fuck up out this tea.


Also I saw How To Train Your Dragon 2 today and it was everything I wanted and more and I don't care if I can't make it to another movie this summer I saw HTTYD2 and all is right in the world today.
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