Apr 26, 2010 21:39

Once upon a time ago I went to New York with some very lovely people and I miss being with all of them very very much 8C During one of my bouts of "baww New York baww" I realized that I continue to be the absolute best at making posts with pictures about events in a punctual manner.

So now, completely on time, I will present you with our photographic adventure. There were not as many pictures as I thought there were and this is depressing 8'|

EVERYBODY EVERYWHERE that is not the empire state building

While the adventure started earlier, the photographic evidence begins later than planned. Here are some of our brave warriors descending into the depths of K-Mart.

Chris discovered something truly horrifying. Kaos is trying to contain his horror behind the guise of mirth.

"Oh heavens I simply cannot decide which I desire more hmm hmm hmm."

You see how Kaos is pointing? He is destroying the focus of my camera. Thanks a lot.

We found a Canadian. She smelt of Canada. We also went to McDonald's because it was open and sorta near the hotel and the Smelly Canadian hadn't really eaten yet and we were full of Concern.

While we chilled in the Fine Eating Establishment, I tried to be fancy and get as many people in one shot as possible. It did not work.

Stop being blurry in every single photo of you I HATE THAT SUPERPOWER.

On our way back, we discovered cats.

Kat communicated with her brethren, inquiring about the status of their home planet.

Pixle brought food.

So much food. These photos do not truly convey the amount of food. (Also goodies! Pixle is basically the best in the universe ;_; )

Well at least the photo wasn't blurry this time… Alice is going to bite my fingers.

I enjoy cliche photos of light hitting buildings and objects shut up.

I also enjoy pictures of churches. And pictures of Pixle. And Pixle Churches.

And strange buildings that I forget the point of...

And above all else (besides random sculpture things and random objects), streets. Oh my god I love photos of streets. 80% of my photos from Italy were of streets. 8'|

Andway so we, the tiny MS!Con, were going on an adventure to the laundromat because Pixle's magical can of maple syrup had LEAKED EVERYWHERE including her clothes. So we were drying them. Yes.

Chris is not praying to the laundry mat.

But if he wanted to, a shrine was conveniently right behind him.

Cheered on by the success of laundry, we found this random little Indian store that we stopped in to because it had tea balls and Chris greatly desired some tea balls. It had shelves upon shelves of delightful spices. Pixle wept beautiful tears.

Hey remember

What I said

About random objects???

They had almonds. COVERED IN GOLD.

A shot! Of mostly everyone! HAIR!! We are on our way to pick up Batman.

Having successfully picked up Batman, we continued our travels. I wanted to get a picture of this giant button while we were at a stoplight, but this STERN MAN wanted me to do no such thing.

Target you are Very Big and Fancy.


We made it to Nintendo World! The pogles were very DISAPPOINTING. However there was this wall of Xatu. Oh god Xatu I can see forever in your eyes.


Gaze in wonder at the Nintendos of Old. Let their power envelop you and bring a gentle tear of admiration to your eye.

…And fly on till morning… Run Broseph run.


"Make Frank West come out."

Whit is begging Chris to save her with her eyes. Chris gives no shit. He is looking for Frank West.

This battle is truly the most glorious of battles and everyone looks on in Increased Concern. Frank West finally showed up and showed us his zombies. He got kicked in the nads.

The perfect moment.

I kept desperately trying to find out what the hell was being reflected in that building but I could not find it. It will simply forever haunt my mind.


Our destination was that Walgreen's for Great Justice. No there is totally a Walgreen's in there I promise.

After eating some moderately-passable-but-could-have-been-a-lot-better-but-whatever pizza, we returned to the room to draw like the wind. Somehow I am actually in this photo!

I assume this is exactly what chat would look like everyday if it were a real room with people in it.

Quite frankly I am completely okay with this. We just need some bean bag chairs.

Alice are you trying to steal my role as creeper. You creeper. Creep.

Internet: I present to you SBG. A chunk of it. The badass chunk.

Oh and we've got that guy too but he kind of smells. Like marshmallows.

Once again, chat in its natural state: Playing pokemon and doodling.

After Kat and Whit left us (sob ;_;), we started the next leg of our journey: KARAOKE. We made the reservations and made haste to our destination. I will admit that it seemed ALMOST SHADY at first since it was up a strange little stairwell and more or less unmarked, but walking into a room with Miyazaki playing lulled me into a false sense of security made things better.

Yes he went there :|
At least it was heartfelt and full of passion.

Bromance more than makes up for this.

Obligatory photo. We successfully made it to Central Park with the help of kind New Yorkers on the subway (we had been going in the wrong direction). The bromantics were going to the Frick. I was leading an entourage towards gelato.




We are totally not lost.

My entourage also consisted of Pixle and Alice.

Broseph is looking longfully towards the babies. Does he want to eat their delicate flesh…? No Broseph stop they are not the mochi.

The next billion photos are just. That sculpture thing again. DON'T MIND ME BEING ARTSY FARTSY and failing horribly.

The fountain was the emptiest of fountains.

Sob the scratch on my lends plagues me so.

Pixle is always invading my photos. I accept this.


I felt a little bad because we kept talking in the do not talk section whoop.

It took me until the second time we passed these that this corner. This very corner. Was the first street corner I ever stood on in NYC when I came during high school. The bus had dropped us off here and one of my first photos had been on this very fence. I STILL THINK ITS A WICKED COOL FENCE.

Light, buildings, street, etc.

I almost feel bad for taking this photo and laughing at it but the cat is so derpy and huge I can't help it.

This was 1/3 of my reasons for planning to come to New York. Grom. Pogles. Having a coinciding spring break with Whit. Somehow I accumulated 6 between the initial plan and the actual event AND I AM GLAD FOR IT.

We decided to wait on ice cream until we had lunch so we went in search.

Burgers, Nick. Burgers.

Nick had expensive burgers so we went to the street vendor instead.

Our Canadian got stranded across the street 8'|

THEN WE WENT BACK. THIS IS MY 7-8 DOLLAR ICE CREAM. I was kind of annoyed that the servings were so derpy for the price god dammit America BUT IT WAS WORTH EVERY CENT.

Flavors pictured: Granny Smith Apple sorbet (it had a funny texture), Green Tea with White Chocolate (Mmmm), Salty Caramel (OH MY GOD)

Obligatory cityscape shot.

There was. A random conservation of snow! We walked on it and died.


Delicious rock formations.

Their love for Toasty is pure and true.



And thus began the sad end to our happy tale.

We approached the subway so that we may return to our hotel and go our separate ways.

Sob sob sob sob sob.


Green team + Various addresses + Various addresses. And also:

"Tell her to bring me underwear, because mine are full of maple syrup." -- Pixle

Courtesy of Whit, Chris and Kaos!

Courtesy of Alice and Pixle!

Maxwell courtesy of Broseph! Also, the maids reacting to the amount of people and maple syrup in the room. They have sixth senses about this stuff. Also subway sketches. There was a very happy drunk man singing about how chinese food made him healthy and that all the pretty princes lived on Prince St.


Oh my god I miss New York ;_____; I talk to you guys every day but I miss you a lot I love youuuu.
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