Mar 24, 2005 00:40
i want to first off say thank you to someone out there who shall remain
anonymous. so, THANK YOU. thanks for everything youve ever done to me.
friend? no, thats not the word to use. enemy? thats not it either.
worthless piece of crap? thats more like it. thank you for assisting in
completely tearing down all trust ive ever placed in my parents. thank
you for allowing them to view my past mistakes and my long lasting
experiences. thank you for helping get my freedom taken from me. my
independence is gone, "until further notice". i fucking thank you. im
not even mad anymore at the fact that my entire life was send to my
parents in a little white envelope, im angry at the fact that whoever
this person was who sent it, couldnt come directly to me first. do i
bite or something? do i smell? i dont understand why it had to go
straight to the only people who i wished would never find everything
out. fucking thank you again. well, anonymous, congratulations. youve
succeeded in absolutely ruining everything ive had going for me. yup,
ive made mistakes. yup, ive done some pretty stupid shit. and nope, i
dont regret any of it. ive learned from my past, and i know not to make
the same mistakes again, one of them being to keep this livejournal in
the first place. i bow down to you, you piece of shit. ive vowed to
find out who sent it, and then personally beat the living shit out of
them. thats right. but ive decided not to do that, it solves nothing.
instead, whoever it was, has revenge heading their way. [[are you gonna print out this one and sent it to my mommy and daddy as well??]] well,
whatever happened happened. its in the past. supposedly this was all
done because "someone out there cares" about me. welp, mysterious
person, come foward. id like to see who exactly "cares" so much about
me. come foward and admit to it. ill be waiting. why not even come to
my house and talk to me, i mean, you know my address and everything
perfectly well. while youre at it, why dont you just come hang out with
my parents ya know, you did get on their good side. have a fucking cup
of tea or some shit. ill be waiting..