Apr 05, 2005 22:21
today was good - starting at 5am when Nicole shot out of bed and woke me up to announce that it was 5am and we weren't sleeping yet - even though we both were... i actually went to every class today too! I have to admit though, I got out of bed at 815, put jeans on, and got back into bed and said "ya know... i really dont have to go to psych today..." and fell asleep for like another 30 seconds and literally JUMPED out of bed and ran to class. because i have an F and i figure if i want to pass, i should probably go. Then i went to foundations til 1120.. all this without even having a cigarette. ;) i did very good i do have to say. Then i took a shower, did some work and ate lunch with the girls. thennnnnnnnnnnnnn i smoked a cigaretteeeee. (i did ashley's hw for her last night so she bought me a pack of ciggs today,haha- classy, i know. whatever.) i wasnt really stressed at all today, which was good.. me and nicole had a fun time hanging out of our window because our screen fell out.. haha, "so many red cars"... Jim called a few times so I got to talk to him for a while - im not sure if he's still coming up tomorrow night, but he promised he'd bring me home on Thursday night if i wanted. After the OC of course... he's so excited to get his license back, its so cute. haha He was like "on the monday after i get my license back, im gonna drive up to Lake George just for the hell of it - just because i can DRIVE again.." haha i love it.
"with each moment, the more i love you..."