Title: Tonight
Fandom: Torchwood
Author: Sketch
Pairing: Owen/Tosh
Rating: PG
Summary: Quick bit of conversation after a Torchwood day. Pre-series.
Disclaimer: Mine til the end of the world. Which was about a month ago, unfortunately.
Author’s Note: Written for the
tw_wotd_fic prompt gadabout \GAD-uh-bout\, noun: Someone who roams about in search of amusement or social activity.
“What are you doing tonight?” Owen’s breath is hot against her ear, and she jumps a bit. She steels herself before swiveling her chair away from her desk.
“What do you want?” Tosh asks, trying not to look like she cares.
Owen backs up a few paces, holding his hands up in a sign of surrender. “Easy, now. Was just an innocent question.” He tries a grin, and Tosh feels the harsh line of her own mouth soften a bit. A quick wink and she’s his again.
“Sorry,” she sighs. “It’s been a long day.” Tosh can feel the pressure of a maybe-headache sliding against her temples.
Owen shrugs. “When is it not?” His eyes loose focus briefly, and she knows he’s seeing the same two children she is, skin unnaturally blue and bloated by death. Then his eyes snap back to her face, alive and sparkling once more. “But you still didn’t tell me: what are you doing tonight?”
Tosh shrugs, not looking at him. Of course she has no plans, although at this point, dinner from the microwave and an early bedtime sound just fine. Not meeting his eyes, she asks the all-important question. “Why?” She’s not about to get roped into doing his paperwork again. She’d learned her lesson last time.
“No reason. I was thinking of getting a drink after...when we finally get out of here, and well, you know what they say about drinking alone.” There’s something almost like pleading in his eyes, and while she knows Ianto or Jack would relish this little sign of Owen’s vulnerability, she doesn’t need to see it to know it’s there.
She smiles at him quickly, only too aware that she doesn’t want to be alone quite yet either. “Sure. Let me just shut down the computer and I’ll be along in a minute.” Tosh savors his look of relief then, almost able to pretend it’s just plain happiness at her existence. Almost, but not quite. “Susie coming?” she asks, a studied look of disinterest on her face as she logs off her workstation.
“Nah, you know how she’s gotten lately,” Owen says, his eyes automatically going to Susie’s empty desk. “Just us tonight, lucky you,” he says, swinging an arm around her shoulders as she grabs her purse. Her mouth is small and tight, because if she really smiles she’s afraid she might never be able to stop.
Author’s note, v2.0: So hopefully you enjoyed that little ficlet. I know I enjoyed writing it. And hey, you know what makes writing even better? A beta! And I seem to have lost mine a few months ago. So I guess this is my own particular version of a want ad: I need someone to look over my work, check to make sure everything is in English (as my native language is American), and give it a quick going over for grammar and spelling too, if you don’t mind. This piece represents about what you’d be receiving from me (only I don’t really bother to have little things beta’d, just longer pieces). In return, well, let’s just say I tend to write whatever my beta reader wants to read, so I guess that’s an incentive, right? And if I don’t stop talking now, my notes will officially be longer than my fic. Sorry about that little commercial folks, had to be done! *hangs a ‘Now Hiring’ sign and runs off*