Yaoooo wow it's been avhile. So life? Um how about the best ever ever. I think i'm actually happier than I have ever been. woah. dasac just ROcks my socks even though I usually wear sandals. It's like school, but instead of academics we take classes in painting, ceramics, photography, video, dancing, drawing, acting, and music (of all sorts). And it's at Deerfield! Which means they have amazing studios. Some highlights? lets. Meeting amazing new people like Sophie H-R and Chris G and all the counselors (meeting new people is just the greatest), writing the best song everr with Sophie H-R about this dorky kid who does magic tricks to impress the girl he likes (it's awesome), being in a capella (so great - wish i had the talent to do it at school), being in the most power rockin' band in the universe (apart from cookie break), making a new awesome short film everY day in my focus (including one in which I play a disgruntled pirate bwahaha), printing film the old school way (!! SO much fun), writing a textbook soap opera (the drama!), and taking modern daance, which was rediculously hard but incredible. uh huh. That was a rediculous sentence. And it had a kerazy amount of parentheses. I Just thought I would point that out so you wouldn't think "oh man he's so weird with all those parentheses and he didn't even notice it." yeah, I noticed it too. bud.
lalalaalal I'm doing something CRAZY for FUNKY day at DASAC and I'm NOT telling you!! It will be so intense I hope. oh man. you can't even guess unless you already know. don't tell. it's a mystery. lala la la. . . . . .
(that was supposed to be mysterious and a little bit creepy)
agH I am listening to B-rahms second piano concerto (third movement) and it is KILLING me it's so beautiful. I'm dying save me! It has this cello solo part...and the piano...........and the orchestra........................................i just can't stand it . It's ripping me apart. My flesh is falling off.
did you know you lose about 100 pounds of flesh in your lifetime? maybe it's 1000. I forget.
oh yeah here is a picture I made on the computer the other night. It's kind of random but I like it. When you get to the page click the little version and it should start some slideshowtypedeal. I hope it works. If it doesn't tell me. And I'll fix it.
http://homepage.mac.com/theflyingkeytar/PhotoAlbum5.html I kind of want to show it at kauffee haus but i made it at home. hmmm. vhateva.
AHH this is the most random junk ever I am writing (nice grammer huh?). I'm sorry. nevermind. I will not apologize to you. you wardarr ugly sketchmuffin