you're living like a disaster, she said kill me faster

Apr 20, 2007 14:20

to whom it may concern: not that you care, but i've decided that you were never a good friend anyway. i'm not sure why i bothered wasting breath over you when you left. it doesn't bother me anymore that you've turned into what you are. that's your own thing and i hope it all comes back to bite you in the fucking ass. i never did anything to you and you are too fucking selfish and immature to realize that. so hope you're happy, hope everything is wonderful in your life, hope whatever you do turns out the best it can...and if not don't think you'll find any sympathy with me anymore. i'm tired of being too nice. i'm not gonna let you get to me anymore and i'm sorry i ever did. i wouldn't say i hate you, but the fact that you wake up every morning and go on with your life like you've done nothing wrong disgusts me. they say hindsight is 20/20, it's a good thing i have bad vision because in actuality i should have seen this coming a mile away.

P.S. i hope for once you fucking comment and say something for youself to me instead of behind my fucking back.

i know i'm coming to a place that may not be the best for me, but i'm determined to get through it with as little damage as possible. i don't have to worry about being alone anymore, but i'm realized that even then, it take a lot to stop.

but i couldn't ask for more than what i've been given and what i have right now in my life.

i am satisfied.


and one more thing: that two faced shit some of you are pulling stops right now. don't think you can just read my shit but i can't say anything about yours. that's pretty fucked up don't you think? be my friend or don't, but don't think you can be inbetween.
that is all.
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