May 14, 2005 08:03
so here i am again, back at the old LiveJournal. but then again, who didn't see it coming?
i only have a few things to say
-i got The Lake of Dead Languages back! yay! guess who had it? Jill! weird...
-i love sarah collier very very much. and i will always be there for her and always care about her forever.
-i love sean more than i have ever loved any man. he is the most amazing boyfriend anyone could ever ask for. thank you for everything you have done this past week love.
-good luck to all the seniors! everyone is really gonna miss you, you all have been the greatest friends and will not be forgotten. i love you all.
-well, i guess you all might want to know why i wasn't in school do you all remember my sore throat? yeah well, i went to the doctor on thursday and they tested for strep = negatory. so they took my blood and sent it off to the lab to test for mono and what not. friday morning i woke up and was breathing like darth vader, no joke. i could barely open my mouth and i could hardly swallow. so mom took me back to the doctor. basically, my throat had almost completly closed up and was off center. apperantly puss had gotten into the soft tissue of my throat and pushed my swollen tonsils and such out of alignment. you couldn't even see my uvula(the thing the hangs in the back of your throat) anymore. so after the nurse practicioners looked at it as well because "we don't see this too often" Dr. Cory called the ENT (ear, nose, and throat specialist) and he said come in right away. so we went there (by now i was getting really sleepy as well) and filled out paperwork which took forever. when we got back there the doc came in and looked at my throat. he said he was going to drain the puss pocket and they were going to give me a shot of steriods to reduce swelling. so the nurse comes in with two needles and the doc sprays this shit on my throat three time that tasted like a rat's ass, but numbed it. then he said to open my mouth and that i might feel a little prick...he stuck a god damn huge needle in my throat! and sucked all this nasty puke colored shit out. so, okay, i'll admit i was tearing up, then he's like "well at least we got it on the first try". thenhe leaves and the nurse comes in, picks up another needle and say the shot has to go in my butt. i'm like, are you kidding! so then she sticks me in the ass, ow! of course then the doctor has to come back and tell me that if i can't drink i'll have to be hospitalized and i'm thinking...fuck that. so as painful as it is i am now downing six 8 ounce glasses of powerade and water. they have me on anitibotics that kill my stomache and i have to take them four times a day. my fever is off and on and i have a rash spreading all over my body, which none of the doctors seemed too concerned about. ten buck s says i have mono. we won't know till next week. and as far as talking goes...ha. not happening really. especially since my nose is clogged too. so i hope you all didn't miss me too much.
-i should be back monday, hopefully. i miss you guys.
later days