Stolen from Missy

Aug 27, 2005 23:38

Pick 10 different Memories that have happened. Pick one Memory from each the 7th to the 12th grade, then make the other 4 random from when ever you'd like. Then Pick 5 People right now that you feel you will always remember and Write why.

7th Grade.
Started Fairgrounds.. Had Mrs. Matuza.. I watched her chase someone down the hall or attempt to and she fell and anyone who knew her definately knows what im talking about. Also Met Gary in JR High

8th Grade.
I started going to the Boyz Club every single day after school.. to hang out with Mark Donnelly and a bunch of others. Mr Coughlin also killed himself this year I believe?

9th Grade.
Megan was pregnant with my niece.. had her in December.. was late to school almost everyday and had inhouse for most of my 9th grade year.

10th Grade.
I met so many different people this year.. I dont remember much of it though, I think I actually did school work this year? lol

11th Grade.
Still went to the club.. but didnt hang around with the same people.. at this time, I hung around with Gary, Missy <3, Tony, tony, hershey and a bunch of others.

12th Grade.
was the best year of all my schol years.. hung out in front of the school store with everyone. fun times! sat in the hallway with nikki and my guidance counselor. Also went to mad partys in Manchester and Weare with Muffy and the whole crew.. man do I miss those days. Also those were the Juan Days lol

4 Random Memories

The Day my son was born is the best memory I'll ever have in my entire life. <3

It's not a good memory but I remember the day that I was told about my Uncle passing away minute by minute. I remember that entire weekend. I still cant belive to this day that he's gone :(

I remember summer times and going to the pool with everyone from the old neighborhood and me thinking that chris connelly was so cute.. which indeed he was. RIP <3 Also hoping on the highway with Sara and Saying north or south lol

I remember the summer of 2003 as the best summer I've ever had.. hanging out with everyone at the p-lot.. haha good times.

5 People I Will Always Remember.

1.) Bill ~ the love of my life and father of my child. You are my love, you are my life- my heart and soul the truest friend i've ever known, you are my world,all of my fantasy, my reality- i love everything you are. Everytime i close my eyes it hits me so deep inside, how real this feeling is- I'm intoxicated by your touch, it's a sweet sweet rush, i'm in love with your kiss, you're the one i trust the most- you changed me. I love you"

2.) Karen ~ who is the awesomest person ever.. I'm so glad that I've met you and been able to hang out and do all the crazy shit that we've done back in the day I only hope that there is far more to come.

3.)Crystal ~ one of my closest friends I might add. I'm not sure I'd know what I'd do if I didnt meet you.. all those crazy nights of just driving around and causing trouble were the best.. I miss those days we definately need to do some more of that! <3

4.) I know this is obvious but I will always remember my lil man Christopher.. he is the most important person to me on this entire earth. I live my life for him. Christopher, mommy loves you!!!!

5.) Juan~ haha so many crazy times bitch! :P

Now It's Your Turn. Leave a Comment About Something You'll Always Remember About Me or Something We Did. And Just a Random Memory You Have.
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