Fringe premiered last night! . . . I got a lot more canon info on Lincoln!
"He was like family. Something I never thought I'd find."
Also, he tapped traffic camera feeds to stalk Olivia from Hartford to Harvard, and then went door to door for two hours until he found them. And his snarkiness and sarcasm has gone up at least 110% now.
. . . my app pattern strikes again. HE WAS RELATIVELY NORMAL AND CUTE IN SEASON 3, I SWEAR.
It pretty much falls in line with what they'd set in season 3, but I updated his
permissions and stats meme accordingly. As a small note, I am going to now play from the beginning of season four, but this should affect no one except me, so. No big.
There is also now a Fringe chan on IRC, btw! It is #oneofthesethings and there are links to episodes in the topic and whatnot. ♥ Come, chill with us.
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Lincoln and his partner. And his partner's small children. And then everything goes from being great to terrible in less than three minutes. Awesome.