Stinky and Spoiled

Jan 12, 2010 00:18

So I've been missing from the Internet for the past week or so. What can I say, Jade Empire pretty much took over my life.

Beware of games that go on sale. Particularly those going for three bucks on Steam, and turn out to be highly addictive. And I don't even like RPG, usually.


I never tire of watching Sebastian's antics around the house. Seriously. Oh, he *knows* he's not supposed to come inside, but he does it anyway if there's nobody around to order him out (and he knows very well I'm the last person who will; he housebroke himself long ago anyway, so he's never so much as licked the furniture, let alone satisfy his hormonal doggy needs on them. He's quite content to just lie on your feet. No, I don't mean "at"; this dog knows all about taking hostages). Anyway, tonight I'm in the sitting area of the dining room, folding the laundry, when he wanders in and pokes his wet nose under my arm. I scratch him behind the ears, and then (because my mother does not appreciate having her freshly laundered clothes smelling of Eau de Stinky Dog) send him back out. Less than five minutes later, he returns, this time to sniff curiously at the fruit side table before disappearing in the direction of the bathroom (which I suppose must exude heavenly scents, if you're a dog), and reappearing in hope of getting more lovin'. He doesn't get it this time, which I imagine must come as a letdown, and pokes his head through the living room door in hope of getting attention from my mother - although getting yelled at probably doesn't figure in the equation. Exit dog. ... Another two minutes or so later, he reappears again - in the kitchen. I get up and watch in amusement as he walks around, sniffing at the cupboards curiously, before going out to dinner. (Yes, this is the same dog who will happily forego food to play with humans...). I imagine this is how dogs acquire juicy household gossip. Or maybe it's just because he's confused as to why the whole house reeks of fruit (visitors have brought so much stuff - not just fruits - that we could practically open our own grocery shop).

Much later, I go out to the living room, where my mum is sitting idly, waiting for my dad to come back inside. Sebastian's right outside on the porch, so I sit down at the door and he comes over, plonks down contentedly on his haunches and repeatedly tries (in vain) to lick me in the face as I scratch his ears. And then my dad comes out from the porch, sees Sebastian at the door, and snaps at him, "Out, Bas. OUT!!"

Now, "Out!" is a word that Sebastian knows very well (as well as "In!" when we want him back inside his doghouse), but he conveniently manages to forget what it means when other people say it in my presence. In this case, Sebastian decides to look up at my dad with an expression I can only describe as "Huh? what was that?"... and proceeds to lie flat ACROSS THE THRESHOLD, thus barring anyone from coming in or going out of the house, and leaving my dad stamping his feet in annoyance and me on the floor snorting with laughter.

The danged dog is just too cute, sometimes.

family, games, pets

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