My Library

Jan 05, 2011 23:39

I've just spent a good three hours or so rearranging my books. It was a ghastly job, but one necessitated by the fact that I had accumulated so many books they were all haphazardly stuffed into three shelves in the computer room, and posed a serious avalanche threat to anyone foolhardy enough to open said shelves. The graphic novels, art books and folios have therefore been shifted to the shelf in my bedroom to allow the rest of the books to breathe a little better. They're still quite tightly packed, but at least there aren't going to be any books falling on my head again anytime soon.


TOP: Misc junk and unread books. And my Charles Wilbour translation of Les Miserables

MIDDLE: Griffin & Sabine collection, remainder of graphic novel collection, art books (does not include human and animal anatomy atlases, which are in my study)

BOTTOM: Graphic novel collection (minus the Star Wars ones in the main library)


[Note that this does not include my three sets of encyclopaedias, dictionaries, art references, old science textbooks, technical manuals, collection of National Geographic/Sky & Telescope/Discover magazines, or the vast number of juvenile books I acquired as a child.]

comics, books

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