I Am An Unempathetic Sociopath...

May 07, 2010 23:15

Or so saith the Empathising Quotient/Systemising Quotient (EQSQ) test. Okay, so they didn't *quite* put it like that. (The test actually implies that I'm not even human...).

Found a link to it from some other site, had nothing to do, thought I'd take it. (Force knows, I've tried everything from the Nerd Purity Quiz, to determining my LOTR Orkish name. Which happens to be Ishluk the Choker, in case anyone's asking). This is what my scores said:

Your Systemizing (SQ) and Empathizing (EQ) Quotient Test Results

May 07, 2010

Respondent Average EQ Average SQ Brain Type Males 39.0 61.2 Systemizing Females 48.0 51.7 Empathizing Your Score 11 (???!!!) 101 (?!)
Extreme Systemizing
What does your score mean?

Generally, the higher the score the greater your natural ability for that trait. However, the EQ test has 40 questions compared to 75 in the SQ test. As a result, although the unprocessed quotients may be used for comparing each trait ability between individuals, the absolute scores do not tell an individual if he or she has a greater tendency to empathize or systemize. A calculation taking into account the quantity of questions in each test is used to determine a person's brain type along the following continuum:

  • Extreme Empathizing (Extreme E)
  • Empathizing (E)
  • Balanced (B)
  • Systemizing (S)
  • Extreme Systemizing (Extreme S)
  Brain Types of Experimental Control Groups Respondent Extreme E E Balanced S Extreme S Males 0% 17% 31% 46% 6% Females 7% 47% 32% 14% 0%
The important factor to consider is not your absolute score, but the difference between the two. This indicates whether you have more natural ability as an Empathizer or a Systemizer. If your scores are about the same for your EQ and SQ, then you have well balanced empathizing-systemizing capabilities.

Eleven??? OMGROFLMAO.How is it even possible to score *that* low on an empathy test, assuming the person taking it is neither, oh, Jeffrey Dahmer or a brain-dead oyster? [facepalm] I may be socially dense at times, and know exactly where each and every book I own is in my library, but scores like that also imply that I routinely vivisect my neighbours' pets (and maybe even my neighbours) in the basement, and obsessively count the number of peas in each can I open (and probably sort them out by size)? I'd love to set my friends loose on that site. If their scores come out equally odd, it can be assumed that the quiz is broken. If their scores *don't* come out equally odd... the quiz is broken anyhow! (The alternative would be that I'm actually a robot placed on earth to imitate humans while studying their behaviour and culture so that I can report to Chief Green Guy when I get back).

In the meantime, if anyone wants me, I'll be upstairs in my room. Cutting worms in half.

humour, skepticism

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