Jul 17, 2006 21:28
We am win!
I had a great weekend and managed to come out of it alive with most, if not all of my objectives achieved. I managed to cause Amanda lots of ic trauma, mostly unintentionally i might add, and had some great roleplaying moments with her, Maz and Dave G.
I managed to uphold Nic's opinion of my sneakiness, thanks to those people that egged me on and distracted the right people at the right times. That was probably my best moment, followed closely behind by getting blood and vengence for yollos death and surviving the 4 harms and a decay due to a sanctuary scroll and a large amount of healers.
I luckily only had a mild case of overheating on the saturday afternoon, which food, painkillers and a cool half hour lying down was able to clear up. Furs in summer are never a good idea.
This has been a campaign that i have been poking more or less from the beginning and i am very pleased to have seen it all the way through and survived out the other side.