My teeth suck.

Feb 23, 2011 17:54

Holy fucking fuck. Wisdom teeth need to come out right the fuck now. Apparently the top ones have been through for a while, with no trouble at all. (So little trouble, in fact, that I didn't even notice I had them and was worried there wouldn't be enough room in my mouth when they eventually did emerge.) But the problem is that, of my two bottom ones, one will probably never come through, and the other is peeking through, but there's still a lot of gum back there too. And the top wisdom teeth pretty much keep descending until they hit the resistance that ought to be my bottom wisdom teeth. And on the left side, where the tooth is still trying to grow in, I can't close my jaw all the way without digging my top wisdom tooth into a whole lot of sore, swollen flesh. It makes chewing a tentative project at best, and sleeping only happens at four-hour intervals because I have to continually medicate in between, or the pain is so unbearable I can't sleep through it.

On Monday, I had an appointment with a dentist who told me I needed to have all of my wisdom teeth pulled, and set me up a consultation with an oral surgeon for later that day. Said dentist also told me I needed to have what amounted to $850 worth of intensive cleaning because apparently my gums are mildly infected or some crap. Needless to say, when I have to have one or more of my wisdom teeth pulled, I'm not going to be getting extra shit done that won't allay my immediate discomfort. I've decided to floss more and see if that improves the gum situation (which the fucking dentist didn't even mention, as he told me I had plaque buildup in the gaps between my teeth where a toothbrush won't reach). All things considered, however, I'd say I got away pretty lightly on that front, considering I haven't had a professional inside my mouth since the dental sealants program in elementary school. No cavities or anything.

After meeting with the oral surgeon, I was told that, in fact, he only wanted to remove three of my four wisdom teeth. The one that probably will never grow in on the bottom is fine where it is, so he wanted to yank the top two, to keep them from digging into my gums on the bottom, and the emerging tooth that is actually causing on the pain on the left side. They gave me a price estimate for the surgery, and it's going to run me $1,800 if my insurance won't pony up any dough for it. Needless to say, I can't afford $1,800 in surgery. I cannot even afford 75% of $1,800, which is as much as the price will probably be reduced for a specialist if the insurance decides to play ball.

What I'm considering is having the oral surgeon give me a local anaesthetic, and just removing the top tooth that's digging in to the sore spot. Because I'm pretty sure that once that tooth isn't digging in, the sore and swollen gum will heal and stop being a pain in my...mouth. And, quite frankly, a local anaesthetic is a hell of a lot cheaper than deep sedation, and yanking a fully emerged tooth is cheaper than surgically removing one that's only half grown in.

But the oral surgeon wouldn't even schedule me anything until he heard something from the insurance so I'm stuck taking 4 advil every 4 hours and HATING MY FUCKING LIFE at least in part because I can't eat what I want to eat because it requires a hell of a lot more chewing than I'm currently capable of. alskjf alsdkjf asdlfkjsdf
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