1. You are a busy lady, your banner is super classy, and you have something called a Sticky Porn Post which means that I love you forever and you are clearly a generous and wonderful creature. 2. Scarlet 3. You are one of the newest of my friends so I still remember this! For the Holmesfic exchange I was the first to turn in my fic and it turned out that my giftee bailed, so we exchanged emails of a pinch-hitter-y nature, which then led to me writing fic for you I delivered ages and ages after I'd intended to. 4. Luna Lovegood. She's sweet and friendly like you, and I keep bringing to mind that "Birth of Venus" thing that was gifted to you. 5. If you had to survive on a single food (and multivitamins, obvi, to balance everything out nutritionally) what would it be? 6. Your enthusiasm. For example, I didn't have opportunity to see Inception when it was in theatres, but just judging by your posts (and the fact that we have Sherlock Holmes in common) it's going to be on the top of my Netflix queue when it's out on dvd. And that's more because you're still so excited about it than because I know fuck-all about the movie. :x 7. Inception lmao, even though we met over Holmes. 8. "Before He Cheats" ~Carrie Underwood
Really late replying to this, but thank you! ♥ I remember how we met too because you were the first person to turn in your fic, and I don't read much cross-dressing but it was seriously hot. :D
Hee, I hope you end up liking Inception if/when you see it. I think there's been a lot of excitement over it, so some people have ended up disappointed when they do see it. I recommended seeing it as a plotty action movie and not expecting too much (probably too late). It was enjoyable to me because I didn't even know what it was about and I saw it the first weekend it opened so I had no expectations!
As for #5...I would probably say cheeseburgers, which is awful but I know I wouldn't get tired of them as quickly as I'd get tired of most things. I also like pepperoni pizza, crunchy tacos, and chicken enchiladas or fajitas. Argh, so many fattening things. >.< I also like margarita pizza and chicken pitas!
*Blush* It's always a giant compliment when people say "I don't usually like ___ but I loved your fic that includes ____" hahahahaha
I have been hiding from all the fic, so I still don't really know anything about Inception, so I doubt I'll be tainted by overly high expectations. :) But I do so love plotty action movies so I bet I'll like it.
2. Scarlet
3. You are one of the newest of my friends so I still remember this! For the Holmesfic exchange I was the first to turn in my fic and it turned out that my giftee bailed, so we exchanged emails of a pinch-hitter-y nature, which then led to me writing fic for you I delivered ages and ages after I'd intended to.
4. Luna Lovegood. She's sweet and friendly like you, and I keep bringing to mind that "Birth of Venus" thing that was gifted to you.
5. If you had to survive on a single food (and multivitamins, obvi, to balance everything out nutritionally) what would it be?
6. Your enthusiasm. For example, I didn't have opportunity to see Inception when it was in theatres, but just judging by your posts (and the fact that we have Sherlock Holmes in common) it's going to be on the top of my Netflix queue when it's out on dvd. And that's more because you're still so excited about it than because I know fuck-all about the movie. :x
7. Inception lmao, even though we met over Holmes.
8. "Before He Cheats" ~Carrie Underwood
Hee, I hope you end up liking Inception if/when you see it. I think there's been a lot of excitement over it, so some people have ended up disappointed when they do see it. I recommended seeing it as a plotty action movie and not expecting too much (probably too late). It was enjoyable to me because I didn't even know what it was about and I saw it the first weekend it opened so I had no expectations!
As for #5...I would probably say cheeseburgers, which is awful but I know I wouldn't get tired of them as quickly as I'd get tired of most things. I also like pepperoni pizza, crunchy tacos, and chicken enchiladas or fajitas. Argh, so many fattening things. >.< I also like margarita pizza and chicken pitas!
I have been hiding from all the fic, so I still don't really know anything about Inception, so I doubt I'll be tainted by overly high expectations. :) But I do so love plotty action movies so I bet I'll like it.
Fat = flavour. I am exactly the same way hahahaha
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